Audiophile still crackles :(


New member
I'm still having very annoying problem with Audiophile 2496. When I play audio, everything works fine. But when I open another audioapp audio isn't clean anymore. It gets crackled like it was too loud. Here's few examples: I play music with winamp. When I try recording audio with soundforge at same time, sound is crakling. I use gigastudio in my compositions and when I use GS and Cubase VST 5 at same time, sound becomes distorted. It seams that I can use only but one audioapp at time. I really HAVE to use 2-3 audioapps at same time. Please help me!!!

Note: I've noticed that Audiophile is sharing IRQ 9 with Geforce and ISDN cards. How can I repair that and is it linked to my problem?


Sounds fairly similar to the dilemna I'm having, although it seems to happen when I'm recording in Cakewalk..... I'd be interested in anything anyone has to say....
Hallatar said:

Note: I've noticed that Audiophile is sharing IRQ 9 with Geforce and ISDN cards. How can I repair that and is it linked to my problem?


Hallatar [/B]

Try changing PCI slots for the audiophile to see if you can get it an IRQ of its own ( this can also sometimes be done in the bios).

Switch off Video acceleration when you are doing audio work ( only really needed for games).

Are you using 98 or XP ?
Re: Re: Audiophile still crackles :(

wilkee said:
Are you using 98 or XP ?

I used win 98se and had this prob. Now I'm using Windows 2000 and still... ...I'll try working out those IRQz. I love this hobby :)
You can sometimes manually assign IRQs in BIOS. BUT, the default Win 2k installation uses what is called ACPI (or something like that), which overrides your BIOS IRQ settings. This is easily changed. I am at my work computer which has all this stuff disabled, so I will try to get you through this by memory. I may forget a step somewhere, but hopefully you can figure out any gaps.

Go to My Computer from the desktop, right click and bring up the Properties tab. Go to Device Manager (or Hardware Manager, I forget what it is called right now). Near the top you'll see something like "my computer" - click on the little cross to show the submenu. It will say ACPI. Right click and then click the option to update the driver. There is now a window with two buttons with options on where to find the driver. Click the one that says "get driver from known list." From the next window, click "show all suitable drivers." You will then see an option for "standard PC." This is what you want. Select it and hit OK. Next time you reboot, Windows will go through all of your hardware and reload the drivers (it is automatic, but you see the action in progress). With the "Standard PC" setup, your BIOS settings will stick.
Pops and clicks with multiple programs running is pretty common. Audio programs are resource hogs and you really need your comp to be running as few apps as possible.

Do you have a pretty fast machine? If not dont plan on ever running 3 audio apps at the same time. Especially home apps like Media Player which seem to screw everything up when they are running.

Get the IRQ situation fixed first. That would be the most obvious problem.

Sometimes in 98SE the easiest way to get cards to work together is to completely reinstall them, drivers and all, on a different PCI port.
I really don't have much to offer to you guys....Actually I'm pretty much clueless if it's pops that aren't coming from not utilizing zero crossings......however, one basic idea is that if you need to have those programs running simultaneously for whatever reason....and if it is actually an issue of having to many apps sucking up your computers power...then you might want to try doing ctrl alt delete right before you start recording and "end task" any programs that you aren't using.......I do this every time I start my computer because if I don't there always seems to be tons of programs in their that are running; programs that I'm not using; some of which I might not have used in months......and everytime you start your computer up they will just run....some programs are set to do that and require that you end task them to exit them.

If you've got twenty programs that you aren't using in that ctrl alt delte menu (which is entirely possible) then your computer is undoubtably not going to function at it's optimum level......

Believe it or not I run three audio programs toghether quite often......Sound Forge, Cakewalk, and Cool edit....sometimes even fruity loops and I usually only run into problems when I add on fruity loops on top of it all........and my specs on my computer are modest compared to yours......(I need to upgrade :D ) Then again....I'm not using the Audiophile....and both you guys are...hmmmmm.......

I dunno man.....I know what I told you is a long shot...but you both seem quite perplexed....might as well give it a shot and try doesn't hurt to do this anyway.....

I fixed the IRQ problem, thanks for your advice for that. But no help for the clipping problem. I uploaded samples how horrible my situation is rec.mp3

I played music from winamp and recorded it with soundforge at 16bit 44.1kHz. Isn't this nice? Both samples are small about 200kt so don't worry... rec.mp3

I opened gigastudio and loaded string sustains. I opened cubase and soundforge. Then I just played it with keybord and recorded it. Listen this beautiful and realistic string sound :) All apps were using 44.1 16bit.

BUT WHY, OH WHY DIDN'T SB LIVE HAD ANY PROBLEMS AT ALL?!? And now this. My system specs should be fine because the old crappy live managed to play huge orchestra and audiotracks as well. Could you please help me with these outs and ins because I think they are the problem...
here ya go

AMD Athlon 1000 Mhz
Gigabyte Ga-72x-1 (VIA kt-133) with latest drivers
512 sdram
IBM 30Gt ultra ata100 7200RPM
Geforce 2 MX
Audiophile 2496 latest driver
Win 98se (now installed windows 2000)
Gigastudio 96 (2.52)
Cubase VST32 5.1

I've tried all kinds of setups of outputs and inputs, different buffer settings etc. I've studied the manual and I think I understand the philosophy of AP's outputs. When I installed Win2k I noticed the new multichannel driver for AP. I have used it thought but no help. Can you tell me what kind is that driver. I haven't seen it in the manual...

And one thing- when playing keybord via gigastudio (only with gs, no other apps running) with polyphony about 10-20, there's clipping. I don't know why AP can't handle it.

Just give me examples of you setups, how you have signed those outputs in your audioapps etc. Maybe that helps me figure this out...
Sorry if this is a duplicate post, but my last one didn't seem to go through.

It sure sounds like your DMA buffer size is way too low. I know your last post says you have already played with the buffer settings, but you might try radically increasing the DMA buffer size and see if it makes any difference. If it makes any difference at all, keep increasing it until you get the smallest DMA buffer size that does not produce those awful noises.

Good luck.
I have heard of problems with AMD and VIA chipsets for audio programs. Hopefully that is not your issue but it is looking more likely. Have you installed the latest VIA 4in1 drivers? I know they came out with a new pack recently.

When you installed 2K, did you reinstall all the drivers, including the motherboard drivers? Also, sometimes the order you install drivers can make a difference. You could try reinstalling the audio drivers in case some other driver installation screwed something up.

Are you absolutely sure you are not just clipping somwehere? Keep in mind it could be not just output clipping, but input clipping. If you are live monitoring your inputs and there is a too-hot signal coming in, this could cause the problem. Have you tried muting the outputs on your other audio applications? If it is truly a driver/IRQ type problem, the crackling should still be there. If the crackling goes away, you might be clipping somewhere.

Also, disable the Windows sounds in Control Panel - these can create problems. You can also try disabling all non-essential devices in Device Manager (e.g. USB ports, modems etc.) just to verify that none of these are creating problems.