Audiobook Check


New member
Hello Folks

Have been self-recording for a while now and wanted to check in with a file and see what else any other ears think I should be doing with it.
Trying my best to keep plugins etc to a minimum.

Feedback on the attached file would be much appreciated.



  • HR Test.mp3
    2.2 MB · Views: 5
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I personally recommend that you upload to a soundcloud profile or dropbox. Most people can't be arsed to download an .mp3.

Your voice is nice.
Have you ever considered doing character voices for the different people?
Since you were not getting any love, I listened. I know very little about audiobook style recordings. So take this for what it is worth.

Good voice, seems the enunciation of the words were good. I couldn't tell, but it seems some compression to make the voice sit much more forward. I heard the s'es, it wasn't bad, I don't know what the tolerance on that sort of thing is, I am making the assumption none.

It sounded good to me, but as stated, I really have no idea of the standard is this type of recording. Wish I could be of more help.
I would just suggest pushing the compressor a bit more and see how it sounds to you. Get that voice more forward.