Audio Watermark


New member
Anybody knows how can i create audio watermark in my track manually? or maybe someone knows a good program which can make it?
Sorry if i picked wrong section but I didn't know where to post this
What kinda of thing do you mean?

It's rare that I have to do it, but sometimes I'll put an intermittent sine wave through a track as a deterrent.

Pro Tools has a plugin called 'signal generator'; That's what I use.
I'm sure most DAWs have a similar thing.
no, i mean actual watermark, not a deterrent sounds for demo, the audio file with watermark should sound (almost) the same as the one without it, but you can extract embedded redundant information from the file with watermark
the point is that it shouldn't sound at all, it should be transparent so both files (with and without watemark) sound the same. it is used for example for copyrights... i found shareware version of one program but i'm interested in making my own watermark "manually" and i thought someone here is interested in this area...
thanks anyway
Can you share that link? I'd like to read some more about this... How does it help with copyright? How is the watermark extracted in the case of a copyright dispute?
i found a few programs but this one looks best imo: - robust audio watermarking technology homepage
you can find many infos about the idea, just google it

BTW i don't want to make a new thread about it - does anybody knows which frequencies need higher power to be heard? in other words - lower frequencies are more powerful then higher? cause i heard people has logarithmic senses but never knew which one are actually more powerful...
BTW i don't want to make a new thread about it - does anybody knows which frequencies need higher power to be heard? in other words - lower frequencies are more powerful then higher? cause i heard people has logarithmic senses but never knew which one are actually more powerful...

I'd make a new thread. This is a new discussion that could go on for a while and it would be better not to derail the watermark topic.