audio to MIDI?


New member
i did a search and didn't find anything, can you record an audio file and then turn it into MIDI? I'm looking to put a mic on a snare and then replace that file with a pre-recorded snare file. I know there are programs like Drumagog, but this might give more control.

There is a function called Extract Timing in Sonar and Cakewalk which should do the trick.

Why do you want to do this?

:) Q.
I record real drums, but my thinking is i can get one kick ass snare track hit, and then never have to stress again, I can just play and then replace the good snare over the tracked snare...
You're probably better off with the real thing recorded properly with a decent mic and compressed appropriately.

It would sound more human and less machine like then.

But if you are going more industrial-ish then the sample route could be the best for you.

Thanks for letting me know - I am always interested to see how other people are working.

:) Q.
Hey Mox!

Forget about MIDI, you want Drumagog (as you know). I don't think you'll find a better sollution for it. Making a midi-track of the snare and then play the midi-track back with a sampler is what Drumagog does, and it does it well (I think better than the MIDI-route).
Plus with Drumagog you can use velocity sensitive multi-samples for added realism. However, if you used the extract feature in sonar, you could draw in or erase hits wherever you wanted them in the midi track, maybe a little quicker than editing the audio in a snare track. (plus no additional cost)