audio resolution


New member
Hi everyone. Question to audio digital experts: I have a recently mastered CD of songs (16 bit). It sounds real good except for one problem: song 10 intro steps on song 9 ending. What the mastering guy was trying to accomplish was for song 10 to blend in to the end of song 9. I shouldve listened to it before I took it home. Now to the question: The pressing house said they can fix it quickly and easily but will need to create a new CD of course, before a glass master.... Now I figure the 10 song files will need to be loaded into their computer, spaces fixed, and then burn the songs onto a new CD. Will I lose any sound quality by doing this?? This is my question. They told me they dont change any seetings or EQ or anything. If there is sound quality loss , I would rather go back to the guy who has my files already in his mastering software but
I dont want to bother him with cutting a new CD because he mastered it for free (just studio time). If any one knows the answer to this question, pls let me know. Thanks. Dave
Without knowing what software was used for mastering and wether or not the "pressers" use the same thing or something compatible it's hard to say.

I would talk to your mastering engineer. This sounds like something he could change for you quite easily. In fact, if this was something he did without consulting you or telling you, I think he owes it to you even if he did work on the barter system.

Just my $.02
Good advice from M.

Assuming the dupe guys aren't idiots they should be able to fix it easily without altering the actual file. So the sound should stay the same.
if you're not happy with the mastering job, have them do it again, and be there when they do
Thanks for the thoughts. Mastering was done with soundforge and steinberg plugins. He did a good job all things considered.The press plant did fix the space problem and burned me a new master and I feel its as good as the original master so I guess youre right in thinking there should be no digital degradation (big word?) This is really the mastering experts field of expertise I would assume but this bits and bytes business can be truly complex. However, Im thinking, the more times a CD is mastered from another master (bizarre) then a slight degree of speed flutter could occur in the songs. Boy, am I picky! But I'm thinking that the strength of the song is most important...
Just a thought but, you really should not expect a "pro" mastering job form someone using those plug-ins and programs