Audio Quality on a CD?


New member
I try to burn cd's for people at 196/24. It comes out just str8 static on pc, car, stereo - anywhere... But at 44KHZ it works perfect.. Wut's the top quality that will be allowable on a cd? And how come I can't do 196/24? I want my music to sound the best it can when I distribute it.
I'm surprised you even get static.

Audio CD's are 44.1Khz/16 bit. No CD-Burning program should even allow you to burn anything else.
It actually worked at all? Like the others said CD's are 44.1/16
You could probably burn it to a DVD though.

Maybe I'm tired and missed the sarcasm, but i really hope that guy didn't think a marker would help

Yeah pretty much if you want to distibute at higher quality, go for DVD, but its probably not worth the cost

Just a peice of advice:
Bigger isn't always better. If you have the ability to record at 24bit/96khz, and are going to downsample for CD anyways, DON'T

use 88.2khz instead....just works better being a multiple and all, especially if you have a not so great codec for downsampling...small stuff but can help get rid of a lot of artifacts and junk in the mix
i saw the x-games on imax and the songs sounded like they had a lot better quality then cd's. Well anyways soon theres going to be music dvd's for higher quality.