audio or stereo = 16 bit?


New member
For narrating books should I be recording in audio or stereo? Does it matter re quality. Thanks. Joan
Actually got a brief clip on my site thanks to everyone who gave their invaluable advice. Joan
Mono would create a smaller file. And it might alleviate an annoying artifact of spoken word recordings of lecture material where the audio drifts from one speaker to the other depending on where the speaker was facing during the lecture.

On the other hand, if you're doing Jack Flanders style radio theatre then stereo is a MUST!
If I were you, Joan. I would record it in Mono. ;)

yeah, coz some CD players (especially the old crappy ones u often get in cars) won't accept stereo, so u only hear half the song!
>yeah, coz some CD players (especially the old crappy ones u often get in cars) won't accept stereo, so u only hear half the song!

That sounds more like a broken CD player/or playback chain.
AFAIK CDs have always been a stereo playback medium, even if they are merely storing two identical copies of a mono track. :)

I'd be interested in a link that sez otherwise. I'm definitely interested in the history of early digital playback systems.
Hey Joan,
Record all your narrations in mono but be sure to convert it to a stereo file when you are ready to burn it to CD. I don't know if most CD burning software is smart enough to do that so you may need to convert it in your recording software. Otherwise you may find that the CD only plays back on one side or may not play at all.

If you are adding any music you can do that in stereo also.
Maybe it was just my car...........

No wait, I'm thinkin' of tapes, not CDS

Car cassette decks (and 8-tracks, for that matter) were also always stereo devices, since commercial tapes were also stereo media.
i like texroadkill's suggestion......record in mono but keep it as a stereo track.......i've never heard of or seen someone do a voice recording in stereo.......i'm sure it's been done, but probably not that frequently
AlChuck said:

Car cassette decks (and 8-tracks, for that matter) were also always stereo devices, since commercial tapes were also stereo media.

That's tha problem I had - only played what was on the left speaker, I think, so when there was jumping from left ta right there were gaps.