Audio Mix In Cd Format?


New member
Ok...I have about 10 songs that I have recorded using cubase which I have exported as .wav files. I want to know if there is any program that I can use that will allow me to blend the end of one song into the beggining of another(does'nt have to be a mix that's on beat) and then allow me to burn it on a cd with all ten tracks having their own track number. Hope you know what I mean.
ex: the reverb is still going from the end of one song and the next song starts over the reverb but the two track would be seperate on the CD.


Firstly, please don't cross post the same question in 3 forums.

Which Editing program are you using.

Depending on that answer, you might be able to play your tracks one after in a multi-track software to create on long file.. then just cut the file up into smaller tracks... then burn them to a CD in standard CD format.

Just a suggestion..

The only time it is acceptable to crosspost, is if you come right out and admit you are a dumbass for crossposting but you are desperate. Then you might not get flamed....

Go to the Cubase forum...I answered it there.
Dude....I hate this shit.....

I SAID Sonic Foundry CD architect damnit!

How many times will I see this today?

I am a dumbass and I wanted the answer badly. This is why I posted it everywhere. Did'nt know it was a crime but at least I know now. THANKS ALOT. Got some great referals. Sorry again. I wont crosspost again.