Audio Interfaces


New member
I am extremely new to the recording scene and have been reading up on it and trolling boards to get as much info as possible. My question now is if I get something like the Tascam u-122 do i need anything else like a mixer or anything if i want to record just one intrument at a time. Also would i ever be able to record drums with something like this. One more thing, I have heard so many bad things about USB, would i be better suited to get something like the Delta 410 seen here

I have also looked into the Mbox and the Omnistudio USB. Any thoughts/suggestions as to what I should get to get me started. Keep in mind i know NOTHING. Thanks.
well most likely i would be recording at most two guitars at once and maybe vocals and guitar at the same time pretty much. nothing fancy
Unless you plan on recording drums, where you'll need at least 3 inputs.

The delta 44 or 410 would be better in that situation