Audio Illusion- Instrumental

I'm really digging the guitar on this, man. Nice arrangement too. Drums are a little distant, but this tune is all about the guitar. Really cool.

Oh, and the bass is really grooving. I'd like to hear the kik (and drums in general) a little more, to rock with that bass.

Nice seperation of instruments. It's busy but everything's well placed.
Thanks Rami, I'll get you to do drums next time:) It's something I'm just not a natural at, but glad you liked the geetar.
Hey Riff--can't listen right now but just wanted to chime in and let you know I'm looking forward to listening to this later tonight. I'll post back as soon as I do!
I'll get you to do drums next time:)

Any time you need drums, let me know. But, just to be clear, the drums are fine on this. Just a little low to this drummer's ears, which should maybe be taken with a grain of salt.:cool:
Thanks Strat...I'm afraid it's no "Prelude" but hopefully you'll like it.
Rami- I'd be honored for you to play drums on a song. I didn't take your comments as a jab. I try not to take myself too seriously and just have fun.
I love southern rock...I love prog the two together are sweet to my ears riff!!...hmmm...SouthRock Candy!! Band Name!!!!:D

Don't sell yourself short...after all, you are the riffmaster!;)

I like the tone you're getting here...want to share your potion?
I love southern rock...I love prog the two together are sweet to my ears riff!!...hmmm...SouthRock Candy!! Band Name!!!!:D

Don't sell yourself short...after all, you are the riffmaster!;)

I like the tone you're getting here...want to share your potion?
Well true, just for you the main guitar tone is the trusty Epi LP through Toneport (Bassman gain at 8, bass around 5 mid about 5 and treble at 8. Celestion 4X12 30 watt vintage cab, a goodly amount of digital delay and the Rat distortion pedal gain 40%, drive about 25% and 50% on the others. Bridge pickup. Stir it to a boil and let er rip. :D
Hmmm...where to begin. Guitars first--great tone, but not just the gear, the playing too. Very expressive--you're playing like you mean it.

Love the break at 1:30. Great bass line too--creates a great sense of motion, sounds killer.

I agree with the drums comments--they're right on the borderline: I've heard 'em quieter in some real good stuff, but I like 'em up & in my face a bit more.

Overall: great mix. There's a real sense of space. Very wide and full but with some "air" in there too.

I'm grooving on it man. Great job!
Real drums and a bigger scoop on the bass and it'd be vintage axe prog.
Those big open chords before the solo sound really nice.
Actually reminded me of Wishbone Ash's instrumental moments.
the funning panning of cymblas after Jazz club didn't work too well in headphones - probably cool as on speakers.
Hmmm...where to begin. Guitars first--great tone, but not just the gear, the playing too. Very expressive--you're playing like you mean it.

Love the break at 1:30. Great bass line too--creates a great sense of motion, sounds killer.

I agree with the drums comments--they're right on the borderline: I've heard 'em quieter in some real good stuff, but I like 'em up & in my face a bit more.

Overall: great mix. There's a real sense of space. Very wide and full but with some "air" in there too.

I'm grooving on it man. Great job!
Thanks a lot Strat..i took a good bit more time on tracking this one and it came out pretty tight. Drums are my next "must improve" chore.
Ray- Always a pleasure to hear from you and I'll put those ideas togood use.
everything sounds great. I agree with the drum comments. Bass is just thumping, I'm lovin' it. It's nice to hear instrumentals tell a story and not just show-off technique. And speaking of which... at ~2:30 there's an abrupt fade to a new soundscape and it seems the fade occurs in mid-thought.

Cool man,
Hey thanka Chili, this one was more about production and tone than technique. That part at 2:30 was just sort of a breakdown where the drone note happens to fall back into the main rythym.
INCREDIBLE guitar tone! Love the use of effects and talking. I'd like to hear the drums just a tad more. Bass sounds a little boomy but it works.

This rocks, Riff!!!!! I definitely enjoyed the "journey through sounds!"