Audio from internal synths from Layla outputs?


New member
I am unable to "hear" audio output from my Layla when using
using midi tracks (or metronome) from within Cakewalk.
I can get the tracks (or metronome) to play back audio from
my other sound card, which I'm guessing is a Riptide.

Here are my midi port options thru Cakewalk.
Input Ports
Layla Midi In
Riptide MPU-401 Connector (is this my other sound card?)
TTS Virtual Piano In

Output Ports
Riptide Wavetable Synthesizer
Yamaha OPL2/OPL3 Synthesis
Layla Midi Out
Riptide MPU-401 Connector
Midi Mapper

When I set a midi tracks port to Rip's synth or Yam's synth
I get audio output from my other card, altho it's noisy.
Surely I can direct the onboard synths sound to my Layla without using a micky mouse patch cord from the Riptide into my mixer?? I also don't want to ty up my sr16 just to
get Cakewalks metronome to play thru my monitors.

Thankyou for your help, I'm all "help filed" and "searched" out.
No can do. The audio paths are distinct and unless the manufacturers cooperated in some way there is no simple way to route the sound from one device into the input stream of another device internally.

Once you record the internal MIDI to a WAV file, though, you can output the resulting WAV file to any audio device you want. It's possible that this will be good-enough quality if you don't go out the DAC of the cheap soundcard first. At any rate it's likely to be better than sending it out to the analog domain through the cheap DAC and patching it into the Layla.
