audio crackling!!


New member
When I record audio in pro audio 9 there is a lot of crackling in the background. Also sometimes after I record and then play back the audio is not in time with the music. Any ideas???
Do you have a sound card that isn't capable of true full duplex operation? A card like a Sound Blaster 64 will only play back in 8 bit, not 16, if you are recording at the same time. That might explain the "Crackling". It isn't a very pretty sound.
Also, make sure that your connections are all good, and that all inputs are muted except for the one you're using.

Bad thing about Sound Blasters: If you have the CD-in, line in, mic in, synth in, etc, all active - it'll add extra noise for each one you have enabled.
I hope it helps. Loose connections and bad wires can both cause the crackling you're talking about.

I wish I could help with the sync problem. Theoretically, you should be able to help that by tweaking your buffer settings - I believe that Cakewalk also has a "profile" option where it takes a look at your computer and tries to pick the ideal settings.

Thankfully, I've never had a sync problem. The default settings worked fine.

Do you have a very slow CPU and/or hard drive? Recording eats up a lot of computer power. Also, make sure that your hard drive is defragmented. If you have more than one hard drive, try storing your audio data on your D drive instead of your C.