Audience Recording


New member
So kind of a weird question, but I figured I'd ask it here cause there's some smart peoples here. I am in a position where I have to mic/record basically an entire audience. The goal is for the audience to be able to ask questions to the stage, WITHOUT having to be passed a mic or anything, and have it picked up for the recording. I'd prefer to do this with 2-3 mics, and they'd have to be stationary (just me crewing it, and I'll be at the mixer). Anyway - what kind of mics/placement would work for this? I was thinking maybe 2-3 shotgun mics (like the ME-66, used for film/TV boom mics) - any ideas? My assumption would be something thats VERY sensitive, and not too directional (but obviously not omni).

Oh yeah - the audience size - farthest person from the mic would be maybe 50-60 ft.

Thanks in advance for any ideas,

Two pairs of microphones, 1 stage right, the other stage left. ...Each pair has one shotgun and one cardioid mic. .The shotguns are pointed down the length of the sides of the hall, pointed towards the center ,the cardioids are crossed over the center of the audience (i.e. aimed so that the mics' "view" crosses about one third back, less in bigger halls). bounce to separate tracks, if I have the tracks; otherwise mix to a stereo pair. I would also certainly throw in a omni or two above the crowd..Nothing is complete with out an omni somewhere in the chain...:) ...the ME 66 is a good choice for the guns...for the Cards, I use MGs, OR AKGs. Omnis are DPA or MG. DPA makes some GREAT mini omnis (4060) ...The Josephson C42 pair is good as well...ADK...there are so many...
WHat do you have in your mic arsenal??The senns are a good'gun choice..but what cards do you have??I would STRONGLY suggest augementing with a pair of omnis or one at least hung above the crowd.

spectrescape said:
So kind of a weird question, but I figured I'd ask it here cause there's some smart peoples here. I am in a position where I have to mic/record basically an entire audience. The goal is for the audience to be able to ask questions to the stage, WITHOUT having to be passed a mic or anything, and have it picked up for the recording. I'd prefer to do this with 2-3 mics, and they'd have to be stationary (just me crewing it, and I'll be at the mixer). Anyway - what kind of mics/placement would work for this? I was thinking maybe 2-3 shotgun mics (like the ME-66, used for film/TV boom mics) - any ideas? My assumption would be something thats VERY sensitive, and not too directional (but obviously not omni).

Oh yeah - the audience size - farthest person from the mic would be maybe 50-60 ft.

Thanks in advance for any ideas,

Could you get some of those hanging choir mics. I bet those would work pretty well over the audience, and they aren't real noticable either. Along with some shotguns on the stage, i bet they'd work great.
Sorry - neglected to mention that I cannot hang mics, due to restrictions on the venue.

WHat do you have in your mic arsenal??

2 ME66's and various dynamic cards (SM57 etc ). But purchasing could be an option - I'm always looking to justify new things ;).

Anyway, I am intrigued by the 2-pair setup suggested by BigRay. I have to mix down to stereo (DAT and feed to miniDV), so would I just mix the left pair to L and right pair to R? Would that produce phase problems between the card and gun?

Thanks for the help - good ideas, already got my brain spinning.