Attic Studio


New member
From what I've read about your non-parallel wall ideas, an attic studio seems like a natural place to start. We will be building a new house and I plan to span the 37' bedroon section with 2X10 rafters that will rise to less than 9' at the peak. It should be easy to turn the few remaining parallel walls more than your a 12 degree angle. I plan to use tile floors and add solar heat on the tiles (direct sun from true south) Thanks for putting such great info on the net.
Any suggestions on an attic design?
Firstly ..sorry I'm late in replying, must have missed your post. Send me the details Chuck and we'll see what we can do. (email address available through the contact icon below)
John you have to start charging by the post! :) It is my complete goal in life to be as experienced in the recording industry as John is. When I'm your age John, I hope to be as knowledgable.