ATTEN: Vegas users


New member
I've been planning to purchase VEGAS PRO, and have been reading up on the sonic foundry VEGAS FORUM.
There seem to be issues as to whether you can monitor a track while recording [using the software, through the same sound card]. The problem is I have a cheapo sound card [turtlebeach montego], until I piece together a DAW in the months to come.
Would I have a way to use the software until I upgraded to a professional sound card?
I hope my question i'snt to unclear, to understand more, go to the sonic foundry web site-FORUMS-VEGASPRO-search "LATENCY" -
See posts "Monitoring a track during rec.-
Peter Haller- Scott Sorkin.
Sorry to be so long winded, and much thanks for any replies.
I use a SBLive value card (which is by no means a professional audio card) with Vegas and I've never had any problems regarding latency.

Hey dmcsilva, thanks for your response.
I think most of my "Dilemmas" stem from the backward-ass ways I tend to go about doing things,
Example: I'm using cakewalk7 now, and to monitor during overdub I send the sound cards output to my [GASP] home theater set up- plug in some headphones, and adust the relative volumes using the play back meters in cake, and the volume knob on the H.T receiver. crude, but in its own way it worked.
Then when I read the vegas posts, I realized that this wasn't gonna work,[or could it?] ANYWAY... after much thinking {ouch] I realized that I could use that big THING with all the pretty buttons & dials & lights
Umm lets see what was that thing, OH yeah,
the MACKIE 1402 VLZ I got last week.
[I wish I would have seen Sonusmans review of this before] OH well live & LEARN.
So now I have things set up to monitor my recorded signal through the mixer, as well as the playback, and this seems to work.
Another question dmcsilva, what do you use to do all of this, i.e what is the common methodology for monitoring/overdubbing,etc.
Any info would be much appreciated.
GARY, I have had my eye on that Lynx card after reading a fews posts about it thanks.