at4033 vs at4050


New member
I've had my eye on the at4050, but now I'm thinking that is more than I need. How advantageous is the switchable pattern function? I plan to do most recording in an apartment, within close proximity of the source (acoustic guitar, vocal). I want a good mic for the long run, and I don't mind spending the extra money if the at4050 is the way to go. But, perhaps all I need is a 4033. Opinions?

I am a newbie, and have been reading up on the archives, but I thought this was at least post-worthy.
the at4050 is alright and if its between the two i would pick it. But never forget about little miss sm57
are you looking new or used? What's the price difference? Do you have a chance to try both? (if so, you should)

Jumping ahead unwisely (the way I normally operate :D), I say get the 4050, even though I don't have one, and I do have a couple of 4033s. Having the omni option will be nice, and I've heard the 4050 has a larger diaphragm than the 4033, which may be good for vocals (and less good for guitar). I have a multipattern LDC, and I use it all the time, especially for little percussion instruments.

It's tough to choose a single mic for both acoustic guitar and vocals. I like the 4033 for guitar a lot of times, but not really for vocals. If you have a voice that sounds dull or flat and needs some high frequency accentuation, then maybe it would be good.
I have both. IMHO get the 4050. It is a flatter mic than the 4033 (I'm not generally really enamored with the presence peak of the 4033, although it has its uses in certain situations). The multiple patterns are useful, although you will probably use it in cardioid much of the time. I think it is a much better vocal mic, and applicable to more sources, than the 4033. They are both pretty reasonable used.
I don't have a 4033 so I can't comment there but I do have a 4050 and dig it.

My 2c but I think you'd get better mileage outta the 4050.