AT2041 Studio pack?

g string

New member
I was wondering if these were decent mics to work with? I know they aren't top of the line, but for $150.00 it seems like a good deal. Do any of you have experience with these? It comes with a AT2020 LDC and a 2021 SDC.
The AT2020 is not really an LDC---as a matter of fact, in the case of this pair of mikes, SDC could stand for "SAME diaphagm condenser."

The only experience I have with these mics is the comments of a friend about the 2020. He replaced a set of AKG CS1000 mics with a pair of 2020 mics for choir and loves the results.

Haven't used them but the couple user reports
I've seen have been positive, and this
includes for the included pencil mic.
I had looked at one point to see if the
pencil is sold separately but I don't thik
it is.