at the crossroads

the blues daddy

New member
My current set up:

Cubase VST 24
Omni I/O
Delta 66 Sound Card
Fender Strat

I recently enquired on this site as too what drum programe would be good for a beginner like myself. Some body mentioned 'Groove Agent' which, after some enquiring, sounds really good. In addition, I have decided to up grade to Cubase SE.

Further enquiries have concequently led me to the 'Cubase SE Studio Case' in which you get a stripped down version of groove agent. (£156).

However, poosibly it would be wise to purchase Cubase SE (£90) and the full version of groove agent (£140) - As I may need to upgrade eventually to the full version anyway.

(For my current purposes the other four VST Instuments are not essential - however, may be fun.)

I think the key factor in my decision will be how good the stripped down version of groove agent is compared to the full version. I have enquired with various shops in N.W. London, in regard to a 'try before you buy' type thing but they only have cubase sx or sl installed on their computers.

Thus, my question is:

How good is the stripped down version of groove agent SE compared to the it's full version?

One more question aswell:

Can anyone suggest any good shops with outlets in London where I might be able to 'try before I buy'?

I have already spoken to Digital Village, Kelly's music, Turnkey, Wembley P/A Centre.

blues daddy. i dont know how much this might help you but you can generate songs using band in a box. the software uses many different styles you can use. blues being just one of many. it basically creates a back up band in software which you can then add your vocals and live instruments to. if your interested. i'll post further info. its a very interesting program used by songwriters to test out and build song ideas.
groove agent

Thanks for the post Manning 1.

However, I've been taliking to the guy that I employed to set my system up and running and he has advised me to stay focused on my task in hand.

Just to let you know; it is not just blues music I'm in to (although I truely love it) as I will and do listen to pretty much any thing. Concequently making tunes in just the one style i.e. blues, rock, pop or whatever, is not what I am hoping to achieve - from reading briefly about 'band in a box' that is what it seems to be - Seriously the tunes I have in my head are more of a blend of different styles - including of course that blues twang.

Thus, after the discussion with the guy who set me up I have decided to buy the full version of Groove Agent and Cubase SE sepaerately as I feel that a versitile selection of drum beats are essential for my current plans.

Thanks again for your suggestion though mate.