At the crossroads... Recording setup feedback.

Nik D

Another brick in the wall
In a few months I'll be at the stage to either add a console to my studio or go with outboard pres. Here's the thing, origionaly I was going to go with full outboard pres into my 2 echo laylas, and mix in nuendo with a Mackie D8b as a control surface. I really like the moving faders and instant recall of all settings, with the hands on feel of a console. But looking on ebay I've come to the realization that I could buy a pretty good console for about the same price as 2 or 3 Syteks, an RNP, and an Avalon for vox, plus maybe one or two more pres of some sort for any more channels I'll need. So here's the fix. The way I see it, it all runs down into this.
Outboard pres and D8b-
Instant recall of all settings
I can mix in Nuendo with it
Outboard pres are flexable and good variety

I have to sum everything in Nuendo
Lots of expensive pres to buy in addition to the D8b
D8b not as impressive looking as a console (in the event that I open a studio, looks are important)
Lots of patching in regards to mic to specific outboard pre

Lots of channels
built in EQ and compression (hopefully)
Looks damned cool
summing in the mixer
flexable routing
no latency

no recallable settings
no control in Nuendo
I have to buy outboard FX
the pres might not be as good as the outboard pres

That's everything I can think of so far... So what do you guys think of all this?
I'm sure some of the member would have been happy to help you...

Since you want to be an obnoxious fuck, I doubt any one will.
Ok, let me straighten things out here. When I posted this topic I got the "Too many members logged on" screen. I hit back on my browser to see if I could get back to the post screen so I could at least copy my question and try to post later. I never even got to that screen, so I tried to refresh it a couple of times. I'm very sorry it posted so many times, but I didn't do it intentionaly. I just was able to check this board right now, about 15 or so hours later. No need for name calling, it was a complete accident.