At it again... Step by step help with JazzMang


He's Junktastic!
Check out my junk.. Give some advice...

Alright folks, I've been gone for a while.
I've been writing a new song, only have this one section presentable at this time.

I will keep uploading new additions, etc... until the song is complete.

Here is the 1st bridge only...

Give me your suggestions/comments/praise/hatred/etc...


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I like the sound especially at the end where you either trem or bang around the selector switch.
Be careful you don't get too much U2 ringing in there though.
Long time man.

Sounds really cool. Now put some lyrics to it and tell people where to download it. :)


Edit: The second link is not playing.
Hi JaZZzzzzz....long long time. Too long....but I can't say that for the clip. It its way too short to really give much critic on. :p Much MOre please. :D

It is difficult for me to critic your tunes, because I am partial, but will do my best to be impartial. are off on a slightly different path with your music. It still has your sig all over it though.

Using the electric(could be elec acoustic, but sounds more elec to me) gives it a mellow, yet energetic feel.

I also like the matter of fact rhythm you have going.

Nice subtle lead short sustain going on with the lead, supporting the ryhthm throughout.

Love the build-up to the lead melody that comes in at 00:38. It comes off real smooth and natural.

The high-hats sound perfect in volume and placement. When/if you add full drums or any other instruments, you may have to up that volume, so as not to bury them. I think they are a very important part of this tune...although subtle. In fact the subtleness seems to be the drawing factor. Like the little sprinkles one puts on the icing on a cake. They are not the main ingredient, and it really isn't their flavour they are used for but more of an eye candy. In this case, the high-hats are ear candy.

I would love to hear the other side of 00:50 where I catch a tease of the some bass ?

I want to hear your vox...that is your greatest gift. It wows me every time...not that your instrumental prowness is weak or anything. ;) :D

I really would like to hear a more indepth clip though....please.

Now please tell me, if I have heard non-existant instruments or missed any. :p

True :)
Hey jazz I'm listening at work on crap speakers but the only thing i'd like to point out is that there is a somewhat ear piercing lead guitar in there. try a cut in the 1k-3k area. Other than that it's good from what I can hear from a mono cpu speaker.