At 4040 versus Preamp?


New member
I'm in the market for a some new gear for recording vocals. I only have around $400 to spend. At this point in time we are using SM58s to record vocals and a Mackie 1202 mixer, Delta 1010lt and Reaper DAW. The mics are not cutting it.

I only have the budget to upgrade to either a higher quality microphone, or to purchase a nice midrange preamp and a cheap condensor mic ( mic around $60).

My question is, at this point in time what would be more effective purchasing a budget friendly nice mid range mic like the AT 4040 for around $350 with my current Mackie mixer and its pres, or would I be better off purchasing an MPA Gold preamp and cheaper condensor mic for a total cost of around $400+? I'm looking for a noticable improvement in vocal quality.
The mic will make a much bigger immediate impact than the pre.

You could probably get into a used RNP and a V67g for that money, but I'd go with the mic.

If you are getting enough gain for the sm58, you may want to consider a nice dynamic mic for the money.

I've got a pile of 100-300 dollar chinese condenser microphones and none of them sound as good on my voice as my RE-20. Until then I was fond of the V67g.

It will last forever, and will always be a useful mic for guitar cabs and kick drum as well. Hell, it sounds good at everything I've pointed it at so far.

I'd get a better mic rather than an inexpensive pre and cheap mic. A good mic upgrade will give you the most noticeable change in sound. A inexpensive pre won't sound much different than your Mackie, and a cheap condensor will be a waste of money for what you want to achieve. I generally subscribe to the theory that it is better to wait, if necessary, to purchase truly good equipment (doesn't need to be real high buck), rather than jump at what are interim solutions at best. For the money you have, you should be able to get a used AT4050 (better than the 4040). The AT4050 is a swiss army knife type mic for which you will always find a use, even as you acquire more and better gear. I have two of them and they get used for all kinds of applications besides vocals.

Ah, slow posting as usual. I'll agree with Supercreep that if the Mackie provides enough gain, you ought to also consider a good dynamic mic like an SM7 or RE-20. My SM7 gets used for vocals way more often than any of my condensors. I didn't recommend it before because I don't know how much gain you get out of the Mackie. I'd think you would want at least 66db of gain for an SM7.
Hey guys, thanks for the information! Totally helpful. I've just started venturing into the world of home recording over the last few months and it's been a huge learning curve but great fun.

I'll weight my options on various mics and in the future upgrade for a preamp.

I'll go against the grain and recommend an M-audio DMP3, and an At 3035. That should set you back $350 max. If you can stretch the budget to $460, a DMP3 and an AT4040.
The DMP3 will be a little smoother than the Mackie pres, and the AT3035 is a good mic, price not withstanding.
I'll go against the grain and recommend an M-audio DMP3, and an At 3035. That should set you back $350 max. If you can stretch the budget to $460, a DMP3 and an AT4040.
The DMP3 will be a little smoother than the Mackie pres, and the AT3035 is a good mic, price not withstanding.

you can easily get an AT4040 and DMP3 for under $400...DMP3's go brand new for only $160 and I got AT4040 my AT4040 for $170 used...and those together would be an unbelievable upgrade from your current setup..
I'll go against the grain and recommend an M-audio DMP3, and an At 3035. That should set you back $350 max. If you can stretch the budget to $460, a DMP3 and an AT4040.
The DMP3 will be a little smoother than the Mackie pres, and the AT3035 is a good mic, price not withstanding.

Not an unreasonable suggestion, though I'd stick with the 4040, and either stretch, or wait a couple months till the piggy bank has more coins in it, and add the DMP3. In the realm of inexpensive preamps, it's a stand out and really a great little preamp regardless of cost, x2 (it's stereo).
I'll go against the grain and recommend an M-audio DMP3, and an At 3035. That should set you back $350 max. If you can stretch the budget to $460, a DMP3 and an AT4040.
The DMP3 will be a little smoother than the Mackie pres, and the AT3035 is a good mic, price not withstanding.

Yeah...kudos for the at4040/dmp3 call... and that is actually the setup i plan on getting when i get the cash.
Hi guys you mentioned the M-Audio DMP3, i have heard so many good things bout this mic pre.

At the moment I have a Focusrite Twintrack Pro which is obviuosly a lot more expensive then the DMP3, the only problem is that I am finding it a bit complicated to work with me and get the right sound. The EQ is only midscoop.

I was thinking of investing in a M-Audio DMP3, is it straghtforward to workwith? Ok it does'nt have stereo compression link like the Focusrite does , i mainly do just vocals and guitar with a few harmonies , is it absolutly vital that I need compression anyway.

I also have 2 Audio Technica 2020's they are nice but for vocals they don't quite cut it for me , I may just use them for left and right stereo guitar.

I may go for the Audio technica 3035 or the Audio technica 4040.

For a preamp I'd save up and purchase something you will always use.

I'm not sure how big a step up from the focusrite the DMP3 is.

Save up and get a couple channels of something special.

They won't ever go unused.

I bought my at4040 brand new on ebay for $199 including shipping. If you can find a similar deal you could probably get both it and a decent pre.
I wish I could look around for a deal online. I spotted the 4040 on ebay for about 200 bucks. The problem is I have in store credit with the company I'm purchasing from which I have to use there so I'm sorta stuck. Sucks but ah well.
See if they'll do a price match. They probably won't with an ebay dealer, but they might with the best online price you can find from a regular music dealer.
Speaking of preamps, is anyone familiar with the Studio Projects vtb1 pre? Seems pretty resonable on the low end. How would this compare to the DMP3, paired with a good vocal mic?
Just an update:

I ordered the AT4040 and picked it up this evening. Gave it a test drive tonight. Man this thing is sensitive! I can stand back about 5 feet and it picks up my singing voice so very clearly and loudly, it's ike I am right in front of it. It also picks up every slight noise, like ruffling clothes or the the sound of a scratching chin, from a few feet back. Anyway, should be interesting recording with this thing. It's so clear sounding and different from what I'm used to, and thus far it makes my voice sound much more full and nicer, IMO. I just have to learn how to work in front of it so I don't blow up the track.

One thing I've noticed. If I sing too high and loud in register it sounds distorted, but I noticed the same thing was happening with my SM58 so it must be either me or the preamp set up (both Mackie 1202 and pres that come with my delta 1010lt).

Anyway, thanks again everyone for the help with regards to my initial question. So far I'm very impressed with the mic upgrade and I haven't really started yet.
Just an update:
One thing I've noticed. If I sing too high and loud in register it sounds distorted, but I noticed the same thing was happening with my SM58 so it must be either me or the preamp set up (both Mackie 1202 and pres that come with my delta 1010lt).
Check out Mackie's input gain setup instructions. That's about the most important first step.
I'm in the market for a some new gear for recording vocals. I only have around $400 to spend. At this point in time we are using SM58s to record vocals and a Mackie 1202 mixer, Delta 1010lt and Reaper DAW. The mics are not cutting it.

I only have the budget to upgrade to either a higher quality microphone, or to purchase a nice midrange preamp and a cheap condensor mic ( mic around $60).

My question is, at this point in time what would be more effective purchasing a budget friendly nice mid range mic like the AT 4040 for around $350 with my current Mackie mixer and its pres, or would I be better off purchasing an MPA Gold preamp and cheaper condensor mic for a total cost of around $400+? I'm looking for a noticable improvement in vocal quality.
I'd go with the M-audio DMP3 pres and SP B1 = $250, with $150 left for acoustics. :D