Assorted Questions :)


New member
So I Just go into this whole recording business, this is going to be my setup:

Drums In Fruity Loops
Line 6 Guitar Port>Comp for guitar
Recording and other what nots: Sonar 5 (Producer Edition)
SM57 Mic>Soundcard (I think Im going for this one:

Now this is where I get totally lost. It says it has recorders on the soundcard? As far as I can tell I was going to do that in Sonar... This is my impression of how things are going to work. Im getting the sound out of the guitarport program and recording it with Sonar somehow (I don't have any of the stuff yet except the software.) Im also going to do bass guitar this way. Then vox will be recorded in sonar. Then make the drums in FL, save it as one file and put it in cakewalk. All the mixing stuff I get really confused about
The only thing I kind of know is panning: If its on the left, right, or center.

And before I started reading about this stuff I thought MIDI was just when you have a tune, but in like beeping. Now, when I see it on here its totally confusing, and thats the one thing im the most lost with.

IF you guys can clear some of this stuff up for me that would be awesome.
2 in audio doesn't give you much scope - you & your guitar maybe? It's the same scope as a daggy Soundblaster card but with a better input plug size.
For the price I'd shop on eBay for something better. 'Twas there that I recently bought an INCA 88 - audio 8 in (2 with preamps) 8 out for AUS$130 in superb condition.
The soundcard is a way to get your microphone and instruments into the computer. The one you linked has no recording capabilities of it's own.

You are correct when you say that you have Sonar to take care of recording and the Guitar Port is good for either guitar or bass.

For what it's worth, you could save yourself $30 and get one of these.

You'll still need a microphone preamp, like this one, but otherwise you should be good to go.

And I think if you look around in Sonar 5 you will find a drum sampler that as capable as the one in FL and it won't take any messing around to get some drum parts...

And before I started reading about this stuff I thought MIDI was just when you have a tune, but in like beeping.

I have no idea what you mean by that, but here are links to two good articles on MIDI basics -- part one and part two.

Ok so with the Mic Preamp thing. Its gonna go like this?

SM57>Mic Preamp>Soundcard

Cool, thanks man

And also, will getting that soundcard make my music and other things sound bad? Im currently using onboard sound. (NVidia NForce) Which SONAR seems to be incompatible with.

And one more thing, when I click MIDI Devices I have the MPU-401 selected for Imput and Output. Is this bad? Will the new soundcard give me more options for this. I have no clue what it is or anything lol.
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Try to follow ssscientist's line. The gear you buy will not be expensive & will see you right for a while. The soundcard you have is for GAMES. TOYS mate.
Get a card that can at leats AD/DA at a reasonable level.
Not all keyboards are midi - & you might find that if you're not already a midi head that using a simple keboard which plays sounds will do. - Save you a bit of bother at mixdown stage at least in sonar.
You have a very powerful recording prog with which to do things your head is telling you to do. The weak link is getting it to the prog in some useful form.
I did a year's recording with a soundblaster card before discovering this forum & before training my ears to hear properly. Now I wish I could go back & fix all the ultra lo fi stuff I did in that year but can't - I simply have to re record it or leave it as a legacy to learning.
Play with what you have. Save for what you need & then go at it.
Ah, thanks Ray. But just about the games thing. I don't really care about low quality sound in games, as I don't play them much anymore. But I do care about the quality of my music? And isn't that pretty much the same type of sound as games? Thanks alot though for answering all my questions. :D
Re games I was referring to the NVidia NForce. That's agamer's special isn't it?
Regardless, get as good a soundcard as you can because that'll be doing the audio conversions. If you're living in a midi world that'll depend on your internal & external sources. BUT a mic will need a reasonable preamp & a good card to a) boost the sugnal to a decent recordable level & b) convert that signal into digital audio.
The sound for games is rarely of the quality you'd be chasing to record with hence cards for games aren't what you'd be after either. I only own 2 games & have only played them about twice each - no patience & can't be bothered to cheat really.
Back to my original post - the card you indicated in your link is OK but limited in the number of inputs. You need to think about how many things you may want to record simultaneously before committing to a 2 in 2 out card taht's all.
Enjoy recording - it's fun.
i am going to attempt to help....although i am new at this studio/making music thing...

BUt, i have been researching on my own....not even in books but online research and through out this entire forum....its really quite helpful

i think MIDI is simply any device capable of making musical sounds/or just sound for that matter

those device which are MIDI connect into the interface which is in turn is connected to the computer on your sequencer or recording prgram....
(or mulittrack recorder if you are using hardware)

MIDI allows the musical device you are playing to read the key you hit or sound and how loud or soft and the length of it and transfers that information digitally onto your recording program, thus being MIDI capable

MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface

so my guess is that your casio keyboard (if MIDI) is compatable with your computer

remember ANYTHING MIDI is able to communicate with a computer

check this out and read it =) hope im right

xraidedariez said:
i think MIDI is simply any device capable of making musical sounds/or just sound for that matter
MIDI is not sound. MIDI is a series of commands transmitted from a controller to some sort of sound computer. MIDI can be used to control lighting and other things that have nothing to do with music.

I am by no means a MIDI expert, I'm pretty new to it myself. I just learned this stuff in a class. I've always been a rock n roller who thought keyboards and synths were cheesy. I'm not so retarded anymore, and now realize the capabilities of a MIDI controller combined with a good sequencer.
thats right - i'm no expert either... i just know that MIDI is the CONTROLLER of the sound. not the sound itself.

example - i have FruityLoops... i notice that when i use FL Keys plugin, it allows me to use my [typing] keyboard to "play" the keys and hear different notes. these notes are sounds included in FL though, i'm not making new sounds with my keyboard. now, if i were to get a MIDI keyboard it would serve the same purpose. i could use it to play drums (each key being a different drum/percussion sound) if i used it for the FPC Drum Kit.

lucky13 said:
MIDI is not sound. MIDI is a series of commands transmitted from a controller to some sort of sound computer.... and now realize the capabilities of a MIDI controller combined with a good sequencer.

i know that sounds a little unaccurate but as you keep reading my post, i
make a more correct statement
i agree, MIDI is the SHIT !

BillyBo said:
thats right - i'm no expert either... i just know that MIDI is the CONTROLLER of the sound. not the sound itself.


xraidedariez said:
i am going to attempt to help....although i am new at this studio/making music thing...

BUt, i have been researching on my own....not even in books but online research and through out this entire forum....its really quite helpful

MIDI allows the musical device you are playing to read the key you hit or sound and how loud or soft and the length of it and transfers that information digitally onto your recording program, thus being MIDI capable

MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface

so my guess is that your casio keyboard (if MIDI) is compatable with your computer

remember ANYTHING MIDI is able to communicate with a computer

but i can appreciate your clarification....

i glad were on the same page =)