[ask] how to setup an OTB mixing with my USB mixer


New member
Hi Guys,

Need to ask experts in here. Is there any possibilities using my mixer (Behringer QX1204USB) as a mixing board. I mean, as a newbie, I always dreams to play with the faders,eq and etc in the actual board. So I bought a mixer couple days ago. But now it seems I could only record, but mixing is still on the DAW. I really want to have the experience of using the mixer board on the mixing process.

Right now I'm using:
- behringer QX1204USB
- behringer amplifier (for guitar)
- garage band for my DAW
- behringer FCA 202 (which I don't use, because the mixer already had a interface)

So my question is:
1. How could I do OTB mixing (out the box) with my equipment?
2. If it's need additional equipment, what should I get?

Really appreciate your help..

I'm not sure what's all on your board -- But you need as many channels of DA conversion as you want to go to a board with as many input channels as you want and then some sort mixdown medium (could be just a stereo AD back to "the box" at that point).
That mixer looks as though it can handle about 8 tracks? But as Massive says, you need an interface that can handle that many discrete tracks.

You also need to HAVE the tracks on the PC! How will you do that? If you are recording alone the only way is to build them one at a time and this takes a fair bit of musicianship to add to tracks and keep everything in time.

But let us assume you have done this and have 8(say) well recorded tracks. You now need to get them across to the mixer. The cheapest AI I have found with 8 outs is an ESI* device. 4 in 8 out. .....THEN! You will need 8 jack to jack leads and after creating spaghetti junction you can start Fader Fiddling...But! You could do at least as good a job in software.

