Art Tube MP sounds dull?

New tube in ART Tube MP!

I installed the new tube (12AX7 Groove tubes) in the Tube MP
and it did make a difference! I am not sure that I like it better, but it seems to go into overdrive and distortion sooner.

The old tube was cleaner, and I found out that there are several different types of 12AX7's. Some have larger grid elements and hence different saturation levels.... all very technical stuff.

I like the new tube's sound for bass and guitars, but I will have to switch back to the old one if I want to use the Tube MP for vocals.

It's been an education, and I may have to buy another 12AX7 to test out!


Dom Franco
Had to dig out some old shit here.


I suppose this sounds pretty dull. I am embarassed! :( I should be ashamed of all the good things I have ever said about an ART.

LOL - I went back and tried another one, just 'coz you said they were ok - started doubting my previous findings.
I REALLY don't think anything of them, and to make it all worse they present it as a tube pre - it is not. The tube is just there to introduce some "tube sound", it is not really part of the preamp.
Con job - just like their converter claims.

Oh Ed? :rolleyes: those links don't work:)
Well sjoko2, the studio I am working at just got in an Oram MWS, on top of the Focusrite Red, and the Drawmer 1960 I have some different colors to play with. But, the ol' ART still get's a lot of use, but much less since we got the Oram!

Hey, if I had a rack full of API, Neve, Oram, Focusrite, Drawmer, Millenium, Avalon, etc......I suppose the ART would be demoted to the talkback mic or something, but I am still having a hard time hearing where people are using other pre's in that same price range or even a bit higher and getting these kinds of results.

$100 and a decent mic and a good set of ears can get what you hear on those mp3's. If you are not getting that kind of sound with it, I wouldn't blame the pre's! :) I got shit that sounds a whole lot worse that were done with class A's and what not.

Yeah, the whole "hybrid" thing SHOULD be pointed out a bit more. Myself, I don't care. The ART sounds pretty damn good, and for the price it is a very workable piece in ANY home studio.


Oh! :) The links seem to work fine for others. Not sure why they are not working for you.
Technology doesn't like me :) (tried them- they still don't work-for me)

Keep them all, I just need some 528's, Grace's, and the big black box I can cook lunch on..............
WOW!! Hey Ed I'd love to hear what you used on those guitars (mic & pre) on the first song (I didn't download the second one, do to my incredibly slow puter), man they sounded awesome. :) The vocals need a little work, but then again you were using a $99 pre. :D

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