Argh! Violations....


Amateur music since 1847
OK, this is a really odd problem. I'm using a trial version of Sound Forge Noise Reduction, but I'm having problems getting it to work:

SOME waves just wont let me try at all - it reports some kind of "Access Violation"

Others will let me try, and then report "Win32 Error..... Not enough space is available to complete this operation" - sure, but I have 5gb spare so it can't really be a problem?

No idea whats going on :D Thanks
It's not likely you're out of HD space actualy. It's Windows' behaviour when you do install & uninstall bunch of programs. I'm not sure. Registry thingee is way too complicated for my type. Try to reformat/re-install Windows usualy solves the problem.

I guess sometimes the simplest things are the best :D Then I find out theres a loada ear piercing beeps even in the demo. ARGH! :D