Are there any mixers that return Aux to each channel?


New member
Ive been wondering if there are there any mixers in existance (old or new) that can return Aux to each channel (rather than just mixing the aux sums to the main channel ...)

I don't know off-hand if some mixers have that feature, but that functionality is covered by channel inserts/returns, so I'm not sure why you'd need it!

the insert/returns dont cover that..
they only allow one effect on each channel that way..
that doesnt allow easy selection and mixing of multiple Auxilliarys back into each channel (and without repatching cables)

The way it's normally done then is to subgroup the channel you want to apply the same effects to onto a pair of busses, then use the buss inserts to patch the effect thru.

The $200,000.00 solution is to buy a used SSL or Neve console, with I believe has full routing of almost everything, but more er, modest, boards, the luxury of exotic routing is eliminated in trying to keep the price down.
