Are there any cheap keyboards with usable cello sounds

Ray J

New member
I don't use keyboard that much so I'm not looking to sink a lot of money into one, but I need cello sounds for the song I'm working on now. Any cheap keyboards out there with usable cello sounds?
Well, I'm no keyboard expert, but I would guess it depends on what you mean by "usable". If you mean "sounds like the real thing" usable, then you are going to have to spend some. You could spend a little on a less than pro keyboard, and you will end up with poor sounding cellos. The best I can offer is what I know sounds decent - maybe you can find a used E-MU Proteus (Plus Orchestral) on eBay for cheap - those are pretty darn good sounds. I found a used one for $200 about a year ago (not on ebay, though)


If you only need these cello sounds for one cut, and you don't think you will be using the thing anymore, I would suggest looking into renting a pro keyboard or a sampler (with some orchestra samples) for a day.
