Are Mackie monitors good for producing HipHop tracks?


New member
Do any of you guys use Mackie monitors to produce HipHop or Techno/ Trance tracks? I have the cash to buy the HR-824's or HR-624's for my studio setup, are these monitors good for producing hiphop tracks?



i have the hr824's right now, i'm just starting out, so we may be in the same boat. but the mackies translate pretty good to my newbie ears, it's what to do with these translations that have me in a corner right now. i hope someone comes along and give you an answer, i really just stopped by to let you know that you are not alone.
Thanks for the reply jugalo180

I've heard alot of good things about the Mackie 824's but, do anyone here have the 624's? I'm still not sure which one to buy :confused: , I have a small home studio and think the 824's may be to large for my room, I could be wrong. I have the Event PS5's, when producing the drums and bass tracks it's hard to hear the bass and EQ the kick drum low end, I believe the PS5's are good for mixing vocals. I know there are other monitors out there besides Mackie but I want a pro monitor system now. I feel it's always better to buy the best gear rather than using cheap gear, then spending more cash later when you find out that your gear sucks.

I was watching a tv show about HipHop music the other night and I notice in every hiphop studio they were showing was a pairs Mackie 824's.

Thanks again jugalo180



i asked a similar question before i bought the mackies, i got some decent reply's. i don't think that the type of music is important when it comes to any type of monitor because it's a flat response speaker, but i know where you are coming from with the question, most hip hop has a lot of bass heavy material in it, especially where i'm from. i'm just starting out just like you so take what i said very lightly, but i hope this link do you a little justice as it did for me.

here ya go.
I'm using 624s and I'm happy with them, to say the least. At a place I do some mixes at, I use their 824s. I had event 20/20bas joints and got rid of them with the swift when I heard the mackies. I could've bought the 824s, but decided to go with 624s (and a sub in the spring).
BTW - i don't feel like i'm missing anything without the sub, I just knew that i wanted one.

Both sets of the mackies work very well for me...

hope that helps...
Thanks for the link jugalo180 and also for your reply Flo' Dolo

It was very helpful, I will be going with the mackie's, but I'm still not sure which setup will be right for my room size.

Here are list of my monitoring needs:

Besides producing HipHop and Techno/Trance music I could just about produce any style of music I want. I need to be able to see and feel the music if you know what I mean. EQing / Mixing the low's and mid's of drums and bass must be clear to understand. The monitor must be great for mixing vocals on. Also, what I hear on the monitor should translate to any other system.

I built a small Studio Room inside of a room with Studs, Fiberglass Insulation, Drywall, Auralex U-boat Floor Floaters, Auralex SheetBlok Sound Barrier and I also Auralex Designer Series DTS 114's and DTS 244's studio foam on the walls and booth. The room has a Vocal Booth, floating floors and is just perfect for me to produce my music.

I can purchase any of these Mackie monitors so the price does not matter to me. My room size is 7 1/2'x 9' of room space, from floor to ceiling is 87 inches high because of the floating floors and drop ceiling. Which of the 3 Monitor Setups below will be right for my room size? :confused:

The HR-624's

The HR-824's

The HR-624's with HRS-120 Subwoofer.

Also, have any of you guys ever used the Mackie HRS-120 with the 624's Subwoofer?

Sorry for all the questions guys, but I rather talk to people who use these products rather than some sales man at a music store.

Thanks again guys for taking the time to reply to my messages.


What up K?

I gotta agree that the Mackies are dope monitors... I went the cheap route thinking I would upgrade to a set later. Ended up doing a pretty decent job of mixing using my Elesis Monitor One setup. The whole thing with monitors is to get a pair and stick with em. You learn what you hear from them andhow it'll sound on other systems. For instance my monitors don't have the highs I really want so I learn to compensate for what i'm hearing when mixing. Basically just saying that when you get your monitors, whatever brand or make, you can't expect them to just up and give you a good mix. Once you learn them and how they need to sound then you should be able to get a good mix on whatever speakers you use.

If you don't have subs in you car or in your home audio system then you probably won't miss the subwoofer. At least that's what I've come to notice about cats that don't sub everything out. I use a sony home theater sub (cheap-o) but only when i'm making the tracks. Just cuz it raps me up in the feel of the track better. When it's time to mix the sub is always off... 6 and 8 inch monitors cover the hip hop and electonic instrument sound range pretty decently... I tend to be a real subbassy cat and just like to know I nailed those low notes myself.

Sounds like you got a pretty quite room (and a dope setup) and maybe a sub will be overkill... You might want to hit up the STUDIO BUILDING area of the BBS and those cats can probably let you know something on the bass build up in your room... hI'd do it though. I'm a 12's or better bass freak...:D

If Lazi and Flo' are going with them then you can safely say that they're worth every penny ;)

BTW, glad to hear that (about no matter which monitors) I'm stuck with "creative SBS30's" (came with the PC)

I decided to hold off for a sub in addition to the 624s for the same reason Lazi listed - I like the badumpa-dump-dump when I'm creating/mixing tracks. I've done only 1 session with 624s and a the mackie sub, and i was in heaven. The cool thing with the mackie 3 piece setup is there's a footswitch you can use to activate or bypass the sub. I'm no expert, but that setup worked well for me. I too record & mix all types of stuff with no problemo on my 624s. The 824s have great(er) bass response, but again, I want a sub in my room, and if I'm not mistaken, when the sub is engaged with the 824s, all the low-end glory the 824s are known for is shot through the sub, anyway. Same with the 624s, I know, but if that's the case, the 624s are plenty cool for handling what doesn't get diverted to the sub at the crossover point.

I think an equally important question is about sub-placement. As I've come to understand it, the "hard & fast" rules, aren't exactly so hard or fast, and I see a complete movement that believes in what is considered less-than-conventional principles re: sub-placement. Seems that if the rumble factor is that important to you, you'd be a good candidate for considering a sub set-up. Don't think, however, that 624s or 824s without a sub won't do you justice, they will.

I think the size of your room will demand that, especially with a sub, you'll need to be very careful with your acoustic treatment - bass baffles in particular. There are other people on this BBS who can better address this besides me.

I also think that the 624s will be plenty-plenty-plenty for your room even without a sub, and the 824s will thump in there. Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either setup. If you've heard both sets of monitors, then you know that the 624s translate quite well when it comes to low-end, and the 824s do it damn well, too.

I'd suggest that you post in the mixing/mastering forum (or studio building forum?!?) and ask some clear questions about speaker placement re: mixing with subs (or not). I'd use that more as a basis for making my decision as opposed to the "which sounds better" scenario. They can both sound good, and they can both sound not so good. They both have pros & cons. They each have a different set of demands/requirements, and they each offer something that the other may or may not. Do a bit of online research with some companies that sell satellite systems - suck up their PR about why their system w/sub is so great, and peel off the hype. You should find some clearcut similarities re: the "advantages" (or not) to using a system with a sub.

That's the best I can do without risking giving you some shaky info, and though I'm by no means ashamed of the size of my "tool," I don't wanna flash everyone and risk getting smashed by "the whopper."
(ah, the curse of "gear" envy, right?)

Good luck... Let us know what you decide & why...

Flo' Dolo
Thanks alot LAZI, Flo' Dolo and jugalo180 for all your help on this matter.

I'll be going with the HR-624's and HRS-120 Subwoofer setup, I believe this is a powerful monitor system for my studio needs. I like the fact that the 624's is smaller than the 824's, this is good cause I have a small studio. The 6.7" Low frequency is the perfect size for my production needs, if my room size was larger I would get the 824's. The HRS-120 Subwoofer will go under in the middle of my custom Workstation Desk. For now I'm going to purchase the 624's and then I'll get the HRS-120 Subwoofer at a later date.

Thanks again guys

