Are dropouts not preventable?


New member
Hey Guys,
I've been recording a lot lately with my four track for an album. I cleaned the heads this morning with pro fluid from the shack, and I cleaned the rubber rollers with water. After that I demagnetized everything in the tape path. After recording today, I've experienced about two minor dropouts. I'm wondering if I did anything wrong or if dropouts are just going to happen.

Also I was wondering if I should clean and demagnetize before mixing down to hd.

I appreciate any answers,
The best preventions for drop outs on tape is doing pretty much what you have been doing so far which is to keep the tape path clean and demagnetized.

Beyond that, using fresh new tape under decent temperature and humidity conditions will minimize the odds of getting drop outs.

On occasion, you will get a bad roll of tape and there's nothing much you can do against that, unfortunately.

If you're consistently getting drop-outs then it's time to consider changing tape brands if possible and have the transport professionally inspected to make sure there are no issues with a faulty guide post or similar part that is grinding the oxide off the tape base prematurely.

Sometimes even a bit of stuck on dirt on a post, guide or head can act like crazy glue and pull more oxide off a healthy fresh tape.

You can never keep a machine too clean!

Cheers! :)