Archiving old projects

Fire Dome

New member
Hey i am looking to archive some projects. What would the best way to do this be? DVD, tape
Only thing is i am going to archive all the files associated with that project, wavs, edits images etc so they can get pretty big and i would run out of dvd space pretty quick i think.

Any thoughts or other alternatives greatly appreciated

yeah DVD-R (or DVD+R) is probably your best bet. you can get dual-layer DVD's now that hold 8 gigs, i havn't tried em yet though.
Putting hard drives in removable trays is another option, about a $1/GB.
If you're concerned about the size of DVD-Rs, another option would be to use an external HD bay. I use a USB one for backups. Simply buy a bay and a HD, plug it into an open port, then just drag and drop. You could use one HD for multiple projects (maybe one per album), and just buy more drives as you fill them up since they can swap in and out of the bay. You may want to spin them occasionally though, since I have read that will maintain the HD longer.

Good luck,