Arabic progressive metal-rock


New member
This is actually an old one already. At that moment I thought the mix was quite okay, but listening to it now...mmmm it misses oomph, bass, clarity, basically everything that makes a real mix stand out.

I would welcome any suggestions on how to make this have more impact!
I didn't know there was such a thing as "Arabic Progressive Rock." But I'm glad I know now! Very well done indeed...I really enjoyed this!
If those are programed drums, use a different sample for the kick drum or preferably layer samples to give it more low end impact. I'd also raise the bass volume and if that makes thing muddy high cut the guitars. Try adding more drum room sound in by 1). increasing the room mics 2). compressing the room mics 3). using reverb to simulate a small room and compress that. The last thing I would do is use parallel compression on the kick and snare to followed by an eq boosting the lows on the parallel track. Use the parallel aux to give it that extra punch during the heavy bits. Good luck. I liked the song, it was pretty original.
I can say that it really translates well to my Kindle Fire. I think that means it can't be too far off, and any problems must be in the area of bass management.
Thanks all for the comments thus far, especially chandlerhimself! Yes they are obivoulsy drum samples. I used SD2.0 but with the DFH EZX kit. Most of the techniques you mentioned I sort of have on my palette by now but not at the moment I recorded this song. Except side chaining compression, which I haven't spent much time on until now and therefore haven't mastered yet. I might create a layered snare and increase room on the drums, thanks!

I'm not sure I understand fully what you mean with the side chaining setup you propose? Side chain from where to where? From bass/snare to everything else?