Arabic pop turning into hard Arabic jungle


New member
The third installment under my Caroussel of Life moniker :) No guitars this time, but Arabic violin sections, Arabic recital of the Gospel of Luke and Arabic female vocals, wobbles, oboes, you name it :)

To be honest, this is the first mix ever I feel confident about. Usually while posting I have a few nitpicking issues of my own, but this one I feel sorta has everything in the right spot. Please let me hear your thoughts!
i like when the drum break kicks in at 1:15 that was sweet. not a huge fan of this kind of music usually, but you did a good job in my opinion.
Really nice tune.

Here are some of my comments, female vocal at the beginning could come down a little so she sits better in the mix. The bass warble was too loud, vocals were just about right there (@around 1:14) and after. But the bass just trounced over everything. For my taste, if that bass part came down, it would be a very listenable song. Really liked the vocals on the song and it fit really nice.

Good tune.
I like the bass as it is though I'd probably lower it a bit for the sake of the rest of the world.
The rhythm is WAY too busy for my liking. The less complicated bits work best & IF you siplified the snare for example the whole thing would be propelled more solidly.