Apply Track Effects


New member
I've been over the manual and played with this feature for hours and I think I just dont understand what I'm doing.

Once i get the mix the way I want it I want to apply some EQ and Reverb effects permantly to a track to free up some CPU power. However whenever I do this it seems to mess with the volume levels and / or apply the master channel effects to the track as well.

Is what I'm trying to do possibile? I'm ordering a new computer tomorrow but would still like to understand how to do this.
Well it all depends on how you are processing the track effects.
You can either use the "Process the wave file effects/envelopes destructively" option or you can do a mixdown on the individual tracks via File > Mixdown song.
In mixdown, select more options. Then select the single track you wish to process. Also de-select the option for processing the master channel and depending on if the track is mono or stereo, make the Channels selection accordingly.
Click browse to name and select the location to save the mixed down file.
Once you've done all the tracks you wish to process, you can remove the originals and import the mixed down tracks or in the mixdown options you can select to "Substitute tracks with the mixed down wave file".
Just make sure that prior to doing any destructive editing, you save copies of the original wave files (in a separate folder or on a CD) in case you decide to remix at a later date.
