aphex 207


New member
hows this preamp? i've never used it or hear it, but i had a friend buy one.. he wants me to set it up on tuesday.. is it a clean pre? good enough to use a tlm103 with?
The 107 was a pretty decent pre (for the $) with the "tubesence" circuit. One one assume that the 207 would be useable.
Aphex 207

I've used the 207 for about a year and I can't really say much about it! I suppose that's a bad sign or perhaps a function of not being able to compare it directly in a side-by-side tgest with other preamps in the $500 price range. It has two channels and and a limiter of sorts (MicLim) as well as phantom power, a pad, and a low cut switch. It's solidly built, cleanly designed, and the manual is clearly laid out with plenty of helpful advice on wiring and configuration setups. I would not call it a "clean," preamp but I'm not sure it's meant to be given Aphex's emphasis on the "tubessence" thing. I like it for simple recordings with a few acoustic instruments and it's functions better for me than the preamps in my stand-alone recorder (Fostex VF16). My question would be how it compares with the Grace Design preamp (101) and the RNP.
it shouldn't have tubesence b/c it actually has tubes in it where the 107 doesn't.. i've used the 107 before and had a decent sound with it.. a step up vs the regular mackie pres.. he has a soundcraft mixer right now and he's just after a better signal chain
c9-2001 said:
it shouldn't have tubesence b/c it actually has tubes in it where the 107 doesn't...
The 107 does have a tube...er...toob. The 207 appears to be just a re-packaged 107 with limiters and insert jacks. You can read about it at the Aphex site.

For the price of the 207, you could buy a used 107, an RNC, and have money left over or just get the Focusrite TwinTrak Pro with two full-blown compressors and a few other tricks (that would be my choice...).
I don't know whether it's very clean or not but hr.com member Darthfaders recorded Feable Weiner's album Dear Hot Chick (www.feableweiner.com) using 107's and 207's. I have the album and I would certainly call it a pro job.
Flatpicker said:
The 107 does have a tube...er...toob. The 207 appears to be just a re-packaged 107 with limiters and insert jacks. You can read about it at the Aphex site.

For the price of the 207, you could buy a used 107, an RNC, and have money left over or just get the Focusrite TwinTrak Pro with two full-blown compressors and a few other tricks (that would be my choice...).
he bought the 207 on ebay for a good price($250)... the limiter in it i hear works well.. i'll probably tell him to get a clean compressor to go with it or track with nuendo using compression in the signal chain(i love that feature :D )
the 207 with a rnc and a tlm103 should be a nice project studio signal chain
anyone with a used RNC????
i doubt my cousin wants to spend 175-199 on the RNC right now.. he tracks with waves rcomp.. and he uses a little more rcomp when mixing vox..

o and the signal.. should it go from the mic>mic pre>comp>Nuendo 2 via delta 1010?????
c9-2001 said:
anyone with a used RNC????
i doubt my cousin wants to spend 175-199 on the RNC right now...
Once in a while, if you look really often at eBay and on-line classifieds, you'll find one for $125 plus shipping. And keep in mind it's not money thrown away if you don't like it (I'm betting that you will, BTW), because you can probably sell it for every cent you have in it.
hold on how would i go about setting up the rnc.. its unbalanced, thats not godd as a tracking compressor then is it...
or since its only gonna be used with a mic.. i could set it up mono...

so from the mic, to the pre, to the rnc.. to what.. an insert on the console fo r monitoring and patching it to the headphones
Try using the insert jack on the back of the 207. The jack is an unbalanced TRS plug and accepts a conventional Y cable.
dwillis45 said:
Try using the insert jack on the back of the 207. The jack is an unbalanced TRS plug and accepts a conventional Y cable.
the 207 is actually balanced..
so i guess i'd use a trs wire into the mono on the RNC...
I saw an RNC in the Harmony Central ads the other day for $125. I’m sure it’s gone by now.

As far as connecting it, use the insert jack. I’m not 100% sure about the 207, but most insert jacks are un-balanced and the RNC interfaces to them just fine. I doesn’t matter any way unless you’re running the RNC more than 15 feet away from the 207.
You are correct that the 207 is balanced. The insert jack, however, is comprised of "an unbalanced send and an unbalanced return that operate at nominal -10dBv levels." And connections are "unbalanced by way of a stereo TRS I/O jack on the rear panel." I use quotes because that's exactly what the 207 manual says!
yea i saw that..

ok so i won't loose any signal working unbalanced will i? will it add noise or anything i should know about???

i'm gonna run it
Mic>aphex 207>RNC>Insert 16 on my console
as for the 15feet... the cable from the pre and comp.. should be about 2-3 feet max...