Anyone working with DFH?


New member
Is anyone using DFH successfully? like in the mp3 demo's offered at there site? i still don't see what i figured would be a huge jump in there product from listening to there demos, are they just samples or is there a sequencer involved? they never did offer a tutoral if i'm not mistaken, from the first version anyway, i went there many times over a few months and just gave up, your input is greatly appreciated, thanks...
i use DFH with drumagog. it's great. especially for kick drums. snares kinda suck, not because of DFH but more cause of drumagog. It's worth the money.

I have their latest version, DFH Superior. They have three big things going for them:

- Very high quality samples
- The way the hits are humanised - hit a snare drum twice and the hits don't sound the same
- They are raw sounds, just like you had recorded the drums yourself.

If you want authentic, high quality drums the only way to do better is to mic a real drummer, and even then most of us wouldn't do it as well.

The drawbacks?

- The interface is hardly user friendly (although they have just released a new version, which is probably better - I can't be bothered to load it right now)
- You have to programme them through MIDI; you can use other folks' MIDI files, once you have spent time remapping them. It's tedious.
- They are not a quick, simple solution; it takes a great deal of work.

And I agree with the tone of your comment Fusion, when I think you were saying I think that Toontrack don' thelp themselves much, or make it easily approachable. Nevertheless, they do sound great.
Hey Garry, wanna sell me DFH Superior? I want it quite bad.

I have the oringal version of DFH, and the thing that sets it apart besides being really good samples, is:
When you are done writing your midi drum tracks for the song, completely done, copy all of your midi tracks into a seperate single midi track and open that into another instance of DR-008 or Battery or whatever you are using to trigger the samples, and then open the room mic set. When you blend the room mics in with the close mic samples, it really fills the kit out and gives some good natural space to the drums. And since its seperate, you can pick and choose how much of that you want. Its the equivalent of having a pair of good room mics up, which is very important for drum sounds. Also, you can mute the close mics in breaks to make the drums sound farther away and roomy, and come back in with more power. You can also compress the room mics just as you would if you were recording an actual kit. There are several snares to choose from, but I kinda like the Sensitone myself. It sounds thin alone, but move in the room mics and perfect. Sits well in the mix.

Enjoy. Garry, get with me if you wanna sell.
Hiya Tubedude, you know when I first got DFH Superior home I was so pissed with all its complications I tried to get the shop to take it back and wrote a really snotty post on Toontrack's website. Now I'm getting used to it - I'm keeping it :)

Those guys could really use some interface design and customer service mentoring though....they're in a little Scandinavian world all of their own ;)
many thanks for your input, if you can do anything like there demo's without huge involvment i expect it's the top drum sequencer at the moment, i'd like to hear what users are making on it if at all possible, just an mp3 track of the rolls etc, anyway, thanks again for your input, i'll hold off a tad longer before jumping in, those dfh demos are killer though, no question...
The Seifer said:
toontracks biggest problem is the stupidy of their user base

that's because of Superior's wonderful tutorials and grand help files i expect, or there just sheep herders like many soft makers are today...

yup, keep your users confused and make money, hmmm, lovely insight....
The Seifer said:
toontracks biggest problem is the stupidy of their user base

As always, an insightful and constructive comment from an individual whose down to earth helpfulness has made him such a popular member of this bbs.

Garry Sharp said:
As always, an insightful and constructive comment from an individual whose down to earth helpfulness has made him such a popular member of this bbs.

says the guy who was so dumb he couldn't figure out DFHS and cried about it all over the toontrack forum and was even made fun of by the lead programmer as well as everyone else

Playing live

I'm interested in triggering the samples playing a Hart Dynamics kit with a Roland TD-8 module and want to know if anyone is using DFH Superior this way.

What latencies (and I'm sure there are some) you have experienced?
Does the hi-hat pedal work (CC4) correctly?

Any info would be appreciated.
The Seifer said:
says the guy who was so dumb he couldn't figure out DFHS and cried about it all over the toontrack forum and was even made fun of by the lead programmer as well as everyone else


Oh dear, I've been savaged by a dead sheep. I'm mortified. Writing posts about posts Seiffer? - get a life mate :rolleyes: