Anyone want to mix?

Hey Kirk,

After you get all the final mixes. You have to vote on your top three, and explain why these were the best, above everybody elses.

And the winners have to explain how they mixed it, eq, effects, etc..

The winner gets a trip to Hawaii, paid by Kirk, :D :D

Could you please give us a little background on the tracking. I noticed that there is an audible click at the end of the vocal phrases, like a compressor was used on the preamp (or something for de-essing) and was set for a quick release. Also, how were the guitars mic'ed, etc.

These are really clean tracks, you obviously spent a lot of time editing each one individually.

It's going to take me over an hour per track to download. Sorry.. just can't wait that long! I would like to give a shot though!
we should also try to post everyon's mp3s up on somebody's server. If I had one, I'd do it...ha!

Anyway, if I can AIM my mp3 to anyone for whoever wants to post all them so we can ALL hear em, holla!

Almost have my version done and I'll put it up on my little web server for everone's critique. Having fun with it, so I sorda went a little nuts and tweaked the piss out of it. It's even got drums and bass in it. Having a hell of a time syncing the drums up, and it's just a simple beat I threw in... I can get it fairly locked in at 128:350 bpm, but it drifts around measure 140-153 or so. Getting it close but want it to sound cool since no one's ever heard anything I've done on here. Trying not to make the simple ride I put in sound too cheesy. Kinda stuck in that so I'm listening to it a bunch of times trying to find sore spots... It's sounding very Toad the Wet Sprocket... :D I'm starting to really like it. Think I could do some neat stuff with a full version of the song locked to time code.
Sonic Misfit said:

Could you please give us a little background on the tracking. I noticed that there is an audible click at the end of the vocal phrases, like a compressor was used on the preamp (or something for de-essing) and was set for a quick release. Also, how were the guitars mic'ed, etc.

These are really clean tracks, you obviously spent a lot of time editing each one individually.



Everything was recorded in a bedroom, about 12' - 13'. The wall facing the singers is covered with one furniture blanket. Mics used were:

Acoustic Guitar - Shure SM57 (12th fret, pointing toward soundhole)
Lead Vocals - Shure KSM 27
Background Vocals - Shure KSM 27

From these mics, we ran a 15' mogami XLR into a M-Audio DMP3. From there, a 10' 1/4" into a Soundblaster Live soundcard.

I actually did very little to the tracks after recording them to cool edit. Each was treated with one pass of noise reduction, that's it. The background vocals/guitar were recorded at different times, which is why one they are in stereo.

So there it is. We don't have the most sophisticated equipment, but we do the best with what we can. Thanks again to everyone who is working on the song. The Hawaii trip is a good idea, I'll see what I can do:)
Here's my try at it. Be gentle. I think it turned out sorda cool I guess.... You'll have to forgive my sloppy bass and super simple drum programming. I'm fighting a strange interference problem with my sound card which is very frustrating. Time to break out the credit card for a real sound card. Using the Soundstorm on my nvidia board.
Wasn't sure what to play on the bass so I went through it 5-6 times trying to figure something to play.

daffy, that was AWESOME! I think there was a little too much reverb on the lead vocals, but that was a lot of fun for me to hear it with the 'full band'
Yea.. migth've gone a teeny tine nuts on the main vocal. (I'm kind of a recovering reverb whore, and a semi newbie at recording) :D
The other thing I noticed is I might try re-rendering to wav and then use soundforge to convert to MP3. Seems like rendering straight to MP3 does strange things.. Like where the vocals are all by themselves before the bass and drums come in. Does some kinda weird drop outs that isn't in the original Acid Pro mix. Probably could use a touch of compression on the whole mix but I didn't think it was too outta control since I had a little compression on the individual tracks. The main thing I have no idea is how the low end translates on a big stereo. I'm running a set of Spirit Asolute2s with a Samson 240 amp for monitors. It sounds good on those but I haven't made a cd to see what it sounds like on other things...
Well I was able to steal away some time today and do a quick mixdown. I put it here. Take a listen and let me know what you think.

I liked the feel and tried to go for a real wide acoustic sound. If you want to add a second acoustic rhythm track using a different guitar for some variation, that could be nice.

Too bad I don't have a lot of time to play around with it, this has been a lot of fun. Kind of like a clinic.

I was impressed with the tracks you put down using such limited equipement. The KSM 27 is a great mic. I have a KSM 32 that I use a lot.

I think that the clicks I mentioned were probably caused by the noise reduction software. I have had that problem with different ones in the past that is why I stick with my Behringer Intelligates for cutting noise. (Yikes I said the "B" word!!)

I hope that somebody else does something like this this is the sort of thing that this BBS needs to do on a routine basis.

Thanks for sharing.

I haven't had a chance to mess with this yet. Haven't even got it on the studio computer. Gonig a hundred miles an hour. setting up for a recording session for tomorrow after work. So probably wed I can get to it. DON"T PICK THE WINNERS YET:D :D

don't worry larry, I haven't picked a winner yet. If anything, I have enjoyed listening to the mixes so much I don't WANT to pick one. I'm saving everyone's mix, with their name, onto my desktop. I have listened to them all extensively, it's been fun. When we're all done (I have four mixes now, I think we'll call it once you and a couple other guys get their finals in) I'll attempt to pick one out of the lot. I have enjoyed this so far. Can't wait to hear the rest!

Try and document exactly what you do to the mix, so we can learn from each other. Since we know what the original tracks sound like. It will be interesting to see what everyone does, and how they approach it.

Things to note: (I know these are prob. obvious but this helps me when I write mine)

EQ settings.
Pan settings
Plugins used and settings
Hardware used and settings
Fader settings
Software used to mix in

your song is nice and tracks are so well!.
I did mixiing with your original 4 tracks.
didn't cut out the last part as well :DKeep original!
I spent a whole noon for your song and enjoy!
thank you for giving me a fresh day!
Could you give me the lyrics?and the song is called?

I like the full band Version by DAFFYDRUNK as well!
the song becomes so colourful :)
Did I make the cut?

Hawaii would be nice!

Here's my stab at it!

The picture should explain what I did easier than listing it all. The second VOCAL track was only used for the delay towards the middle of the song. I wasn't satisfied with this delay completely but you get the idea that I had! The "surround" plug-in on the bgguitar was used to straighten out the panning. I wasn't digging the different levels for L and R and probably should have just split it but this was easier!
Hope you like it!

Good job kdoggity! A good tracking job leads to a good mix!

DAFFY... you stole my idea! I thought the drums should kick in as well as maybe a distorted guitar... something along the lines of A Perfect Circle type sound.
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