anyone want to master something?


New member
Anyone feel like mastering a 4 minute song?

I can put it on the net in .cda format, it's about 20megs I believe.

It's heavy metal style music, nothing superfast, probably 96bpm, screaming/singing, heavy 7 string guitars, 5 string bass.

Anyone up for the challenge? :)

msg me on aim if you want - sbcchevy
Hey whoever msg'd me on AIM, I apologize about dissapearing, my cable provider decided they wanted to do some maintenece. Heh, just my luck.

Anyway, if you're still up for it, I'll be posting a link shortly with the .cda

Thanks again.
I'd be interested in before/after mp3s. Not necessarily to judge Track Rat's efforts but more to hear what a (good) mastering job can do to a track. Mastering is still a bit of hocus pocus to me.
Hey, why not me too? lol

nothin to lose...i'll at least amuse myself, and if it's decent send it back to ya.

but yeah, i dont know about all this mastering business either....i'd klove to hear what a real job can do.
I downloaded the WAV. file and loaded it into the mastering system.......
Unfortunately, that's as far as it got, as the the song has some "pretty severe" processing and brick-wall limiting applied to it already.
This would make it extremely difficult to master.
A mastering house / engineer would very likely return it to you and request an unprocessed version of the mix.
I down loaded the wav (all 40megs of it). I have some bad news for you my friend, it's clipping all over the place. I'm afraid it's mixed so badly, no amount of tweaking is going to fix it. Time to drop back and punt.
mastering engineers don't master to mp3. what in the hell is everyone talking about? jesus h. christ in a chicken basket. don't even think about taking sweetnubs name in vain.
sweetnubs said:
mastering engineers don't master to mp3. what in the hell is everyone talking about? jesus h. christ in a chicken basket. don't even think about taking sweetnubs name in vain.
Did someone ask you to join this thread, much less your opinion on anything????

Beat it, numb-nubs......... :rolleyes:
Yes it's already compressed, I know, stuipid stupid.

I can give you an uncompressed version.

Although, I don't see how it is clipping, I used a limiter in my roland.

Anyway, I'm remixing it today with more bass line, more drums, more low end, less high.

Yes, I am awaiting MP3's, or Wavs, is it that hard for someone to convert the .wav to .mp3 when they are done? For sake of downloading? :)
Don't use the limiter on your Roland. It obviously sucks because it's making the mix clip like crazy. Just leave it without any dynamics processing on the main mix making sure you upload a version without cliping.

I was going to download tonight should of last night. I wanted to listen to the entire cut and ask a few questions before I gave it a shot. I never pretend to be a ME. I hate to attempt mastering in the control room. I figured I would give it a shot to help this guy out. Also I would never deliver finished goods in MP3. I think people where looking for MP3 posts of pre and post production?

I listened to the first 15 seconds or so but reading sjoko's comments (and track rats) I will have to pass too.
