Anyone Want to Help Me Out?


New member
Ok, here's the deal. I'm really close to finishing my recording project. I've all but finished lyrics (my weakest link), and vocals, and everything. But I have a song, maybe two that could use drums. I'm not much at programming, and I'd rather use real drums anyway. The guy who normally plays drums on my stuff is unable to clear enough time in his schedule to do it. I know this is a major thing to ask someone, but would anyone be interested in recording drums for a tune or two? If not, that's cool...I know I'm asking a lot.
I like this internet tracking. My drummer should be out on the weekend I'll see what he can do. If he isn't I can give it a shot.

Let me know.
Emeric, that would be great. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've been sitting on these tunes pulling my hair out trying to write crappy midi parts that just don't work. Besides, everything else on the album is real drums, and something synthetic would've sounded wrong for this project.

Just tell me what you'd like me to do. This should be fairly easy since we're both running Cubase.

Thanks again Emeric!
I'd love to help too, but this would be my first experience doing an "internet collabration" unlike Emeric (I think he did it before??)

Also I had to give up my real drums due to noise issues for a set of Roland V-drums (TD-8 brain with the mesh pads). Having played real drums before I must say that the TD-8's sounds are quite good and realistic.

Anyway, if you are interested, I'd at least like to try...
Hey thanks for the offer Memo! I've got Emeric tackling this project right now, but if this falls through for any reason, maybe we can work something out? I also might call on you for a future project if that's ok? In fact, you've already got my brain working!

I checked out some of those V-Drums a few months ago at a local store (I can find V-Drums, but I can't find a decent mic within 250 miles...go figure) and was very impressed. I also listened to your demo and liked what I heard. Thanks again for offering, I really appreciate it!

Mark (CMiller)