Anyone want a chance at getting SIGNED?


New member
I just finished my DEMO and I'll be shipping it to all the major record companies to try and get signed. The first track is called Get It Started, and the third verse is open, so if anyone can drop MAJOR heat and has a GOOD set-up, Im talking good quality shit, someone who can record high quality music, then send me email to ASAP and drop my a link to your music so I can check it and Ill send you the track. Im doing this for myself and for the other cat, I wanna show people that I can work with other people and at the same time give someone else an oppertunity to show off what they got. I hope you guys get this fast cuz I want to start shipping on SATURDAY, cuz from SUNDAY Ill be gone all WEEK. So get at me ASAP.
that's mad cool of you. i wish i had a quality set-up or even some real studio time booked for this weekend. maybe i can catch you on another project.