Anyone using the Kurzweil ME1 module?


New member
I'm looking for a synth/module for live use but don't have the budget for a big dollar purchase. For the past year or so I've had the use of a Triton which has been great but all I've ever used it for is the bread and butter sounds. I don't use the sequencer, arpeggiator or really get involved in trying to program it. The only sounds I need are good pianos, organs and some string and brass sounds and by the sound of things the ME1 could fit the bill (I'll be using one of my synths as a controller).

Has anyone used both the Triton and the ME1? How did the basic sounds compare? Are you able to do splits with the ME1? I understand choosingakeyboardisapersonalthingandyoucanonlyreallyknnnooowwwzzzzzzzz but if anyone has played both, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts.

Thanks in advance,

I've used both the Triton and the ME1 - but not together. I loved the Triton and found it excellent at synth/pad stuff - never thought of it as a "bread and butter" synth though.

The ME1 is a pretty nice little module, especially for piano stuff, but lacking in other areas such as: organs, pads, and brass. Strings are pretty decent, as are the "Rhodes" type sounds. It's a pretty basic module though - no real funtionality besides being a box with Kurz sounds. When you turn it off, any settings you changed are default again.

Not sure of your budget, but a Yamaha MOTIF rack would be a great option for you. Great sounds (and a lot of them) including: pianos, "rhodes", pads, etc. Organs aren't too shabby either, but not absolutely phenomenal.

