Anyone using Cakewalk PA9 with Windows 2000?


New member
Just wondering if there are any compatability issues I should consider before upgrading from Windows 95. Also, any problem w/DSP effects compatability?

Thanks in advance.
ive got an opinion, dont upgrade at all to windows 2000. i tried it, and it just doesnt work for audio recording. it works fine with cakewalk but... i head some problems with the cakewalk setup but it was easily fixed (even though i dont remember now what the problem was or how i fixed it), i think it had something to do with the direct x in the installation. the only other problem i had with using cakewalk in it was a few graphic problems, very minor but can get annoying.

i really dont recommend windows 2000 for anything yet but server administration (maybe a few other things). believe me though, with audio recording, youll wish you wouldnt have upgraded. i recommend upgrading to Windows ME. helped me out alot (i think its the reason why i can now playback 128 tracks with a pII 333 system). please, when you do upgrade, let me know if you can playback that many tracks after too so i know if that was the thing that did it (so i dont have to worry about losing this if i format my harddrive).
thanks d,

Since I posted my original question I went to the echo website and saw that the darla driver for Windows 2000 was a beta and not covered by tech support. That did it, so now I'm going to go with Windows ME. I have to upgrade because I purchased a MOTU Fastlane Midi interface that requires a minimum of windows 98.
Funny, but I also have a PII 333 and would love to be getting 128 tracks. I've only been pulling about 24, so I'm hoping that the OS upgrade will help me as well. I'm curious what hard drive/audio interface you are using and how much memory is on your system.

Thanks again for responding,
Right now my system consists of a Pentium II 333, 196MGs RAM, 15G UL-100 66 72000RPM. One of things i noticed when i made my upgrade to my new harddrive and windows ME, is that instead the audio hogging up harddrive, it hogs up CPU. Before i upgraded from windows 98 and a 52000RPM my harddrive was always the one being loaded. I dunno if this has anything to do with it (but it could actually be the reason why it all worked) is in cakewalk i ended up just copy and pasting a track over and over again until i got 128. i dunno if thats the reason but it was a long track. The thing is, if its actually playing seperately every single track it should be doing the same as a different audio track. (shouldnt it??). ill do some tests on it tomorrow if you would like me though. i will pull a bunch of tracks together from different songs so they are different files. I still have no problem running 8 tracks (less than 10% of my CPU and less than 5% on my harddrive). ill let you know what i conclude with this so i can know for sure. My audio is a MAudio Delta 44, Cakewalk 9.03.