Anyone using an Alesis DM5 drum module?


New member
If you are, I know it's possible to have sounds output to the main and other sounds to the aux outputs.

My question, is it possible to do this...

Have sounds output only to the main left channel, main right channel, aux left, and aux right?


Snare, Main left
Kick, Main right
Rack toms, Aux Left
Floor tom, Aux Right

Here is how I do it.

Kick is run through the mains and panned all the way to the left on the d5 and run in to channel one and panned center.

Snare is run through the mains and panned all the way right and run in to channel two of the mixer and is panned center there.

everything else is run stereo out the aux outs. I then pan the mixer channels 3 and 4 hard left and hard right to maintain the stereo sound of the tom rolls and cymbal placement.

Thats my 2 cents.

I still do that setup for my D4, so you sure as hell should be able to do it with the D5.