Anyone use American Recorder S-721H to clean their deck?


New member
I'm about to clean my 424mkiii for the first time ever and picked up a bottle of this formula.

It claims it can be used on tape heads, guides, capstans, and pinch rollers.

I got some foam swabs and q-tips. I was thinking about just dipping the foam swabs into the fluid and running it along all parts of the deck. I've seen different techniques on how to clean but because this is a "does-it-all", I figured I can just do that. Anyone have tips?

Also, do I need to turn the power off on the deck when cleaning?
Not familiar with that formula but there seems to be some good web-words on other forums. I have never used a product that would be friendly to rubber parts AND effectivly clean the metal parts.

NOT foam... use cotton swabs (Q tips). Foam can disintegrate/ melt and make a bigger mess than u started with.

Always unplug, not just turn off.
Not familiar with that formula but there seems to be some good web-words on other forums. I have never used a product that would be friendly to rubber parts AND effectivly clean the metal parts.

NOT foam... use cotton swabs (Q tips). Foam can disintegrate/ melt and make a bigger mess than u started with.

Always unplug, not just turn off.

I'm getting mixed words. I have read that the foam swabs are good because they don't leave things behind, as the cotton swabs might leave lint during the process.