Anyone tried this, if so do you recommend it?


New member
Have any of you tried running your vocals through an effects processor like a line 6 Pod, a Zoom pedal or anything of the likes? Reason I ask is I'm recording a song that needs a little distortion on vocals and my software effects really aren't cutting it. Thanks :confused:
I've tried those and many more. Try everything you've got in the closet! There are no rules as to what equipment chains are allowed and which are banned...

A word of advice --- if you can find an insert to plug a Pod or pedal into it will aleviate a whole bunch of leveling issues you may confront.
The Sansamp GT-2 pedal does the trick in a lot of situations.

An MXR Dual limiter can be fun.

Actually, though, my first choice happens to be a plugin. I use one called "Quadrafuzz." It's pretty cool on a few other things, too, namely as an "over-the-top" sort of effect on drums.
Yeah, what they said! Try everything. When XTC recorded Wasp Star they ran lots of stuff through a Pod - guitars, vocals, even drums. You'll never know what you can come up with unless you try.