anyone know how to print tracks with SX3??

Ironklad Audio

New member
ok, here's the deal...i want to take a track in a project, which consists of multiple audio files + edits/fades/whatever, and print it to another track as a single file. i'm not going to get into the whole story of why i need to do take this approach - i just do.

i know this can be done in protools by doing the following:

1. create an aux track
2. send original track to a buss
3. set the buss from step 2. as the input for the aux track
4. record enable on the aux track
5. hit record and watch your original track record onto the aux

i've tried dicking around in cubase to figure out how to do this, but i can't find a solution...i can't find any channels other than a standard audio channel that will allow you to record onto them, but these won't accept sends from another channel as an input.

any advice/insight on this one would be mucho appreciated.
Export audio. Just go to File/Export and make a mixdown file, which you then stick on another track. There would of course be a sync issue, so you'd have to sync it up into its original position.

Or you could jiggle with your soundcard and make Cubase record the output of your soundcard onto a track.
Solo the tracks you want to submix, then do an export. On export have it sent to a single mono file and select the option to import that file on a new track at the original position. I don't remember off hand the exact names for those options, but it should be pretty easy to figure out in the export dialog screen. Hopefully this is what you wanted to do:) If not, sorry for misunderstanding your question.
well, the thing is, my session file has been somehow corrupted, so anytime i try to import/export a file - just from this ONE song - cubase crashes on me...along with a bunch of other weird issues with the session

i ended up being able to use the export track option, and load the files into a new session, but i was still wondering if there was a way to render a track onto a separate track within the DAW itself...but it doesn't really look like it
I'm not sure but wouldn't freezing the track do that?

That is exactly what freezing the track does.
Hit the snow flake icon on the track you want to "print" the plug ins and fade settings to. Then import the freeze file.

Or another way is to solo the track and then:
File - Export audio mix down
then choose the apropriate output settings. ie mono or stereo, wav or aif bit rate etc.

well, the thing is, my session file has been somehow corrupted, so anytime i try to import/export a file - just from this ONE song - cubase crashes on me...along with a bunch of other weird issues with the session

Try using File - Revert
This will take your session back to the last saved session or else you could try opening the .BAK file associated with your .CPR file.
Then save as a .CPR with a new name ie "MIX" would be saves as "MIX NEW"
