Anyone here use MIDI muting? Help!


New member
I have a "Soundtracs Solo MIDI" mixing console, an Alesis HD24, and am trying to set up Cubase SX2 to control the MIDI mutes on the board. I'm pretty sure all the MIDI cabling is in the correct order, but I'm having problems!
I set up a MIDI channel to record in Cubase, play the song, and record some mutes, however when I play back, or to record some more mutes on other channels for example, the mutes actually work but so do other channels which I hadn't written!
Any ideas? The console's manual is very vague on this, and Cubase SX wasn't even invented when it was written, although I thought pretty much any sequencer could do it. It must be something I'm doing wrong...!?
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Is your mixer set up to use midi notes on a designated channel as triggers for the mutes? Or does it use Continuous Controllers?

You're quite right when you say any sequencer should be able to record and play back the midi notes or CC's in an accurate fashion, and my best guess is that it's some easy to rectify if you've got it working to this point. Read the manual for the mixer again, and see if you can tell what it needs to see to mute and unmute accurately. The way a Soundcraft Ghost I used a few months ago did it was to designate a seldom-used midi channel and use note messages - either at the top or the bottom of the keyboard - as channel mute/unmute.

And be sure it's not in 'omni' mode...

I have the same console.

Maybe the console is reading the wrong MIDI track and, for example, is playing the drums? :)

What happens when you mute the SOLO channel in Cubase? Still getting random mutes?

Are you sure your MIDI track outputs are set correctly? If your console is set to read channel 16 then your MIDI track in Cubase should have 16 as both the input and output. If you have the Cubase MIDI channel input set to All, which is the default, then any device could be writing MIDI data to your console channel.

Just some ideas. Its cool as hell when it works. In an 80's kind of way. :D

Thanks guys, I will check all that tomorrow. The desk shouldn't be 'playing the drums' tho, cos there's no midi information there, it's a blank canvas, purely using cubase as the sequencer to run the desk mutes.
I'll double check the midi channels I'm using tomorrow, I'm hoping it's that simple (I don't "do" midi!).
Thanks again, I'll let ya know........
OK, I just checked it now...
Using midi channel 16 on the desk and in cubase. (also tried both with channel one, same results). Seems to be recording the mutes ok, but is still randomly muting things that I didn't touch! This is with a 'new project' (16-track midi sequencer) in cubase, and even deleted all tracks to leave just the one, but SOMETHING is making the desk mute and unmute channels of it's own accord!?!
Any other ideas guys? (there is also a prog and bank selection available in the cubase midi channel, with I guess thousands of possible permutations, couldn't be that could it? Sorry, but as I said I don't use midi normally!)
Thanks again for any help offered.......