anyone heard of Hyburn?


New member
I found a nice looking guitar on the net... but that's all I know that it is... nice looking... the guy didn't give much information about it other than that it was a Hyburn 41" full size acoustic cutaway electric with built in bridge pick-up with volume and tone controls...
the guy has a bunch of other Hyburn guitars and violins and stuff... I'm assuming it's a brand name, but a search on the net brought up nothing other than a recording company with the same name...
can anyone tell me anything about the brand, or even if the rest of the description lends itself to being a good or bad guitar?
If the guy has "a bunch of other stuff" from the company, then he probably make and/or distribute the stuff. I would look at his feedback closely.
mhmm... yep... his feedback does seem to be pretty good... well... quite good actually... 560 some positive, and 3 negative...
if you, or anyone, sees an electric acoustic for under $200CDN (that's like, $2US... just kidding... it's like $140US I think) let me know... on ebay, or anywhere else...
Well, its got binding. And its got a blueburst. And its got electrontics.

Thats a $140 right there. ;-)

How long have you been playing?
coming up on three years now... hehe... kinda funny though... I have two electrics, an acoustic, and a classical, but I've never shopped for guitars... they've been given to me, or I've just bought them off friends... so I'm really not sure what to look for, especially in the electric acoustic area, since I've never owned one...
yeah, exactly... I looked through his feedback and found a guy that bought almost the exact same guitar (just different colour) back in January... I emailed him and asked him what he thinks of the guitar he got... so hopefully I'll get a response from him...
well, I actually sent a couple of emails to people who've bought from the guy... I've got two emails back... they both said that the acoustic sound is great, but the sound when plugged in lacks a bit... but one guy said it can be easily fixed by an eq pedal... and both said it's a great deal for the price... so I'm leaning towards getting right now... I'll make my finaly decision tomorrow...