anyone have the bcf2000 from behringer


New member
I'm quite pissed off right now trying to get the damn thing to work with sonar.
the behringer program doesnt work to update the stupid thing with the sonar template and now preset one doesnt show any midi data when i move the faders or knobs. Luckily i havnt ruined preset 2 yet.
I ended up using "send ex" to send the stupid midi data for the sonar template...i think. Who knows if it actually sent it to the right place.

any ideas on how to get this pos to work?

Download the most current software from the Behringer site and load it into the BFC200. Then try it.

And just because you can't get it to work right now doesn't mean it's a 'pos'.

i have downloaded the latest software from the website. and the software is giving an error of "time out at" "$a1". But only while sending the sonar patch. not while downloading the patches from the bcf2000.

And i call it a pos because i spent 4 hours trying to get the thing to work, not because it actually is a pos. I do find it annoying that in order to download the latest software from behringer they want an email address and for me to agree to emails, and that their software wont work unless I install third party software, and that their software doesnt work out of the box. When i buy equipment, I expect the maufacturer to supply the equipment and software to make it work. I should not have to play guessing games as to which software to download and how to install it and whats the latest and which one to I use. That's why its a pos.

So, i have the latest software from the site, and i have the instructions and it does not work. So, anyone have this thing and get it to work?
wang191 said:
I should not have to play guessing games as to which software to download and how to install it and whats the latest and which one to I use.
The sad fact is that technoglogy moves quickly these days, and by the time any computer-oriented product makes it to retail shelves the software has a very good chance of having been revised.

It's standard operating procedure to visit the manufacturers web site and check to make sure you have the latest software rev, driver versions, etc.

Maybe in the future this will change, but for now if you don't like it that's tough because that's the way the current music technology is and will be for the forseeable period.

I have the BCR200 and use it quite sucessfully with Reason, Live, Tracktion and Reaper --- and a whole host of soft synths. The question of how to set up the BCF with Sonar is probably in your manual, but short of being hands-on and looking over your shoulder I have no idea what you're doing wrong. There are 4 USB operating modes and 4 stand-alone (connect via midi cable) modes for my BCR, and you may have just picked the wrong one. Also, it was very important for me to visit the Behringer web site for the latest software rev because mine had been lying around the place I bought it from for 18 months and the software had progresses thru 7 revisions since then.

FWIW, one of my clients uses a BCF with Sonar all the time...

I could be wrong but

I thought there was supposed to be a Mackie emulation mode that you had to use to make it work. Like you just tell Sonar that you have a Mackie control surface and that was pretty much it. That's what I remember reading here somewhere, but like I said, I could be wrong.
Yeah i tried the mackie mode but that didn't work. I think the problem is that it's not uploading the sonar template to the unit. I tried using their software but it wrote a bad file and now the first bank doesnt work at all.

Sonar sees the midi information (the blinking lights in the task bar light up when i move faders).

BTW. Software having updates doesn't mean that the company can't ship drivers and software that is in working condidtion when it leaves the factory.

If you put a cd in the box and ship a product and you say it supports winxp. WHen i open that box and put the cd in...the cd (how ever old it is) should work. yeah there will be updates...but taht's bug fixes. you cant just ship a product and put software in it and say it works and then it doesnt. what if i dont have internet access. then that product has to work with what you give me. Every other company does that.

I dont know, i guess being a comptuer engineer and software developer doens't mean much these days if the manufactuerer doesnt stand by software they ship.

I'm going to be playing with it more this weekend. I'll try and see if i can't get this into other usb modes.
I agree, these things should work as advertised right out of the box. It shouldn't be as hard as it is sometimes to get them functioning correctly.

It's also possible the unit is a lemon. I've purchased a few Behringer units that were simply duds, just didn't work right out of the box no matter how much time I spent troubleshooting. The only solution sometimes is to send it back for another just like it, or another unit of the same type from a competing company.
Ok, i spent some more time with the unit and uploaded the template file to the unit. The first preset bank no longer works at all. does not send or recieve midi commands. That was thanks to behringers midi uploader program. It had an error during transmit and currupted the bank. But bank two works so far. I can send commands from the unit to sonar now. Sonar sends midi data to the unit but it's not responding to the data yet. That'll take some more time to figure out. But i'm guessing the unit is not a dud. I may have to return it so that I can get bank one to work, however.

I can't get it to work under the mackie emulation. I did try that a few times because i read the same thing. Not sure if there's another download for that, but it doesn't seem to like it. At least it works.

Thanks guys. Always good to vent a little with these types of problems.