Anyone have Battery?


New member
This is why I dont waste much time trying to figure these so called "drum" sequencers, the stuff gives me a frekin headache.

I downloaded the FL demo, and even that lets you click on tabs and hit the start button to play and listen to your beats, but what gives with Battery? where the hell is the play button? I downloaded the demo and imported the demo sample beats, okay, cool right? can click on the matrix and hear the sound, but the demo and the quick tutorial on their website sucks ass to new comers trying to get a grasp on this stuff, why do people make it so frekin hard to understand a stupid little program like a sequencer?

So how the hell does one create a beat in Battery and be able to hear the whole thing instead of just click on a matrix to hear one kick or tom or cymbal etc? Oh Joy!!!!

I cant possibly sit there and click each matrix to make a beat, its about a mil second late..

So anyone wanna talk to me like im 3 years old and explain to me how it works? i brought my crayons :)

As far as I can tell Battery isn't a sequencer. It seems more like a sampler to me - you load samples into banks, and then trigger them, which is what I did with my DM5.
Not so sure

then why when you load the demo sample it gives you like a kick in A1, snare in A2 etc?

what good is it to give you sampled toms, kicks etc if you can not create a beat?
it is a sampler...

what triggers it is MIDI information.... the kick drum is one note, the snare another, etc, etc... you need a program that supports either VST instruments or DX instruments and make a MIDI track with battery as the output. the input then is either a midi controller or do like I do and draw the notes in by hand.

or you can run the standalone version with a program that doesn't support VST or DX instruments and use a MIDI loopback driver to send the MIDI data from the program to the standalone battery...

to get rid of the delay, under the menu in battery, you need to change the audio driver from the defualt to ASIO.

Battery is not a sequencer. It is a drum sampler, drum machine, or whatever u wanna call it made to be used with a sequencer.
Thanks jdechant

Im old school and have been using my Zoom and creating my drums that way, big pain in the arse but it gets it done. Never really dabbled into this midi stuff with sequencers samplers, that stuff for some reason just doesnt sink in with me..

I bought the "drumkit from hell" wav. CD because i dig the sound, but they recommend the battery version so i decided i would download the battery demo and see what is all about, i use Cubase 5.0, will I need to get the LM-4? <-- is that the sequencer i need to connect to Battery sampler?

Does one need a keyboard to trigger from battery or can you just program it much like the FL demo i have?

I ordered the PC recording mag from the UK that someone on here suggested i do. The last issue has a free sampler on it and a great article that teaches people about samplers, its been 3 weeks and i still havent recieved it yet..

I wanna find a way that i can create drums alot easier than im doing now, so what sequencer would work with Battery??

Think of Battery as a synth or sampler. It'll play whatever notes you send to it via midi.
I guess in PC there is some kind of midi interconnection scheme between applications. In this way you can connect any midi programs that you want.
On mac, there is a thing called IAC Bus that let's you do that. You install that and your applications show in your midi setup as if they were actual midi devices.
Maybe someone knows the equivalent on a PC.
If you have VST like Cubase, then you can do it directly.

Cheers, Andrés
freak-a-zoid... you don't need the LM4... the LM4 is another drum sampler like battery... there are a few of them... those and the FXpansion DR-008 are the most popular.

you can run Battery right inside Cubase as a VST instrument. then create a new MIDI track and set Battery as the output (after you turn battery on as a VST instrument)... then you can use the draw tools to draw a MIDI section on the track and double click it to open the MIDI editor and draw in the drums on the piano roll or set up the GM drum map and do it like that since most battery kits are GM compatible... instead of seeing a piano roll then, you will see the drum parts labeled and lay them out on a time grid kind of like a piano roll (not sure how to turn the GM thinggy on in Cubase)... the bass drum is usally C1 on the piano. don't forget to load a kit into battery after you turn it on as a VST instrument.

Thanks again buddy!

did just what you said and its starting to come together!, man i owe ya a beer :D

My problem was, even though ive had Cubase for over a year ive never dabbled in the midi, my problem was just like you said, it was the output, it was hidden till i streched it out DOH!

I think im getting the hang of it!

Why cant manuals have simple explanations like this?