Anyone got a virus TI ?


So im looking more and more at a virus TI , I have a virus B tabletop and a Virus Indigo II and love the virus sound, but want honest opinion about the stability of the TI software and what the TI can do over the others. I have seen alot of comments about the virus TI operating system being full of bugs and this has been putting me off !

If i go this route I'll probably sell off the other viruses if anyone is interested shoot me a pm, both are brand new condition.

replies from the experienced please and not rumours :D
cortexx said:
I have seen alot of comments about the virus TI operating system being full of bugs and this has been putting me off ! If i go this route I'll probably sell off the other viruses if anyone is interested shoot me a pm, both are brand new condition. replies from the experienced please and not rumours :D

H e r e you can read our earlier comments reflecting TI.

Actually I couldn’t resist, and at later date purchased the TI

Sadly, to be honest, really had little time to play with software, but from what I’ve spent… haven’t experienced anything problematic or alarming of the scope you are suggesting. Played, played and just played this seductive sound, filling the aliquot imagination.

Since CMI3 and EIII, haven’t been exited about any Synth like recently with TI.

Sound output is simply said fabulous. Those boys surely made some secret ingredients making TI sounding out of this world.

You wont be disappointed, that is all I can tell you.
Does the TI give a worthwhile leap in features and sound over my other viruses ? I can sell the other viruses to finance the majority of the TI but would like confirmation that the TI can make the already amazing virus take another evolutionary step ? :D

And consider the sound not in relation for comparison , but rather in the class of its own.

For my ears, presently the best sound compared to anything available from competition.

But this is sort of assessment you clearly ought to refine by your own experience.

Go to your first dealer and play it.

You might find better organized layouts out there, but its sound, ...truly notorious.
O you just sold me ,as long as a person sayes what you just did from experience then im sold :D

BTW anyone wants any of my old synths here is the link to whats for sale

I wont repeat it all here, but i will link it because i know for sure that most of you KB players read this thread daily but very rarely look at the gear that's for sale HOWEVER I also know many of you gear sluts wont be able to resist some of the stuff i have for sale ;)
I got it, hooked it up at work and had to drive home with soiled underware (joke).

I Love it, being used to earlier viruses its pretty easy to jump into, some of the presets sound , well , awe inspiring.

$2299 from americanmusic as a rebox and it had never been opened, I got a hell of a deal. Still in the sealed plastic bag :D

This synth is a must have for any studio , its soundscapes it creates are simply amazing.

gotta go play with it bye ........

(runs off)

So upon installing the software on my computer with sonar 4 home studio I suddenly find out the Virus contol interface pukes when I select the virus as a vst instrument. I can send audio through USB , midi through USB but the actual VST interface crashes the virus every time.

this is the raction I got from Access's technical support :-

Thank you for your mail. Our developers need to adjust and code certain areas of the TI Control PlugIn specifically for each host sequencers, since every sequencer software works with a different way of delay compensation and other technical features. We started with Cubase SX 3, Logic 7 and Live 5 and our R&D department is now working on the support for ProTools 7 and Digital Performer.
When these are done the support for further sequencers will be announced. However I neither can tell at this point if this will include Sonar (which I guess will be the case) and how long it might take until we can present a version of the TI PlugIn which will work flawlessly in Sonar.
Apart from that the TI definitely will work with Sonar like any other hardware synth out there, since it still can be operated by Midi and Audio in the conventional way.


anyone else had this problem and found a way to get around it ?

I cant believe their stuff doesnt work with cakewalk , what a pain in the ass , you guys should consider this when purchasing the TI :( :( :(
I`m really pissed Access have taken this stance towards the software support, features like the sequencer are only really programmed from the virus TI VC software . It stinks that they have released a product that you cant use some of its major features because they havnt finished the software! :mad:

does anyone here have it running with sonar ? I have seen one person on another board that can run it with sonar 5 but i wont upgrade unless someone verifies it has no chance running on sonar 4 !
cortexx said:
I`m really pissed Access have taken this stance towards the software support, features like the sequencer are only really programmed from the virus TI VC software . It stinks that they have released a product that you cant use some of its major features because they havnt finished the software! :mad:
The reason they went ahead and released it as it was is because the software interface was holding up the release of what is an extremely powerful synth in its own right. The Virus Ti itself was ready in time for the release date, but the software interface wasn't. This delayed shipping by something like 8 months, at which point they finally decided to go ahead and start shipping the synth while they kept working on the software. They're comitted to just takes time to compensate for so many different software packages. Unfortunately, VST isn't quite so standard as people think.
Yea i know im just pissed that it wont at all through software , i dont mind bugs but to have software completely disfunctional is not good. Especially cakewalks sonar as its so widespread :confused:

Another complaint i have is the manual is pretty useless, It comes with a book which explains in great detail the history of synthesizers etc , and a manual that tells you how to make basic sounds and tells you what the buttons do, but useful stuff like how to layer a multi patch is not mentioned. Neither is programming the arp :mad: Its a case of jerking around by trial and error because most basic and useful info is not covered.

Anyone who buys the TI already know what the principles of sound synthesis are, and may or may not give a damn about synth history , but everyone wants to know how to use specific funtions that are unique to this board and they dropped the ball on this one :mad:
useful stuff like how to layer a multi patch is not mentioned.

OK i figured it out , took 3 more beers and 2 slices of pizza , its cool now :D

I do get pops in the audio when using 6 layers of unison in multimode though (shrug) :o


The pops in the audio are down to midi timing internally on the keyboard apparently going to be improved in the Next OS.

I use a multi layer sound with keyboard split, lower zone using a heavily unisoned PAD and upper zone using an arp'ed synth pattern.

I get a pop every 5 seonds or so or complete loss of keyboard control after about 30 seconds or keys get hopelessly stuck (then i have to power the TI off and on again ).

I tried recording with it last night and its pretty much useless until the O/S on the keyboard works properly.

Only thing it can do properly is audition the presets , as soon as you make it do something taxing it seems to become horrifyingly unstable.

And I have given up on getting the VC software to work looks like apple users will get it running before PC users .

This thing should NOT have been released in its currnt O/S build , the Keyboard is not in a finished state and the TI software has got more bugs in it than Anna Nichol-smiths underware.

Needless to say im pretty pissed ! :mad:
cortexx said:
Update:- I get a pop every 5 seonds or so or complete loss of keyboard control after about 30 seconds or keys get hopelessly stuck (then i have to power the TI off and on again ).

Strange that I can't verify this, so far this never happened to me (?) I hate to even pronouce the doubt, but could this be something more then software? This reminds me of bitter 'G' and 'H' chip episode with probably one of the first EIV revision that came to Europe (mine)

Still, TI is hardly in first revision, so this bothers me.

cortexx said:
Needless to say im pretty pissed ! :mad:

Pardons for a late reply.

Busy, busy, no time to read the forum.

I’m really sorry you had this software episode.

As spoke earlier, my present employ of TI is fairly simple = playing and simple midi sequencing.

Even in studio I really haven’t use much of TI software.

I have developed recently strong dislike of this supplied PC/Mac editors, sooner or later I keep adding more and more screens around me and this creates illusion one cannot deal without them~ and that is silly for me.

No more. If we could do it in 80's on tiny screens, surely we can do it on decent onboard ones :)

Also try to keep signal path > analog as possible these days, just raw midi sequencing and dedicated editing, audio integration in Sequences bother me… I’m sure that makes little sense to many, but it works for me these days.

Well, it seems you will have to wait for new version then, but I don’t think you’ve made a bad decision, far from it, and I think you know it !

Several playing minutes of this beauty and you are transported to bliss.

Good luck with your machine
Just another update and another TI later. ( got it replaced just incase I had a bad example)

Problems seem to be much more prevalent on the keyboards rather than the desktop versions.

We are up to ver 1.1 beta now on the firmware and there are still a ton of bugs even in standalone.

had a few forum exchanges with Ben Crosland of access who thinks I'm pretty much pushing the thing too hard with polyphony rates and unison levels etc but many other people are finding the same thing as me even with simplified factory patches.

Main problems are as follows:-

pops and cracks in the audio

stuck notes which dont always release without a reboot of the TI

Random patch changes and also parameter changes ( which can be terribly perplexing) .

Randomly starts playing by itself ( happened once while i was reading my email and scared the crap outa me and didnt have the TI connected to the PC).

Unstable VC software in Sonar(my experience although somewhat fixed by putting ferrite chokes on my USB cable at both ends). I have just purchase Cubase SE instead !

Blank LCD TI screen when first turned on ( happens in 1 in 10 boots) needing a complete power off/on to fix.

Devilsaw sound (only happened once for me) that sounds like a bad case of buzzing and only a hard reboot fixes.

I think its a hardware DSP problem but it remains to be seen if it all gets fixed.

In the mean time the Access virus TI is not in a state where it can be trusted for live performance, and in my opinion can only judiciously be used in the studio.

I get my Radias next week and will put the TI to one side while i play with the new toy in the hope that when i have a handle on the Radias the Virus will have its problems fixed!
